Python Debugger

Last modified: 30 October 2024

Use this page to configure Python debug options.

Note that the debugger contains speedup modules, which use Cython and are generated with a few changes in the regular files to cythonize the files. The Cython speedups are available for CPython versions 2.7 and 3.5 - 3.8.

  • On Windows the compiled Cython extensions are bundled with PyCharm.

  • On Linux and macOS, Cython extensions should be compiled manually in one in two possible ways:

    • by clicking the link that appears in the warning after the first debugger launch.

    • by running the command from the warning manually in the terminal. A separate Cython extension should be compiled for each version of Python interpreter.

    If someone doesn't want to use Cython extensions, the environment variable PYDEVD_USE_CYTHON=NO should be passed.