What’s New in PyCharm 2024.2.2

Code Assistance for Type Defaults for Type Parameters, and New Django features


Data View


Display of n-dimensional NumPy arrays

You can now look at n-dimensional NumPy arrays in the Data View tool window. Define the array you would like to inspect, along with a specific dimension or slice, in a special field at the bottom of the tool window, and PyCharm will display a table with the results. Note that the field only recognizes single quotes when you add conditions for the array’s display.


Support for type parameter default types (PEP 696)

Python 3.13 brings the ability to define the default types for type parameters, such as TypeVar, ParamSpec, and TypeVarTuple, along with a new syntax for defining them.

PyCharm now supports default types for type parameters for both old-style and new-style generic classes, functions, and type aliases, and it takes them into account in type inference.

Pattern matching: foldable match statements

To increase the readability of code with large pattern-matching statements, you can now use folding for entire match statements or for separate cases inside them.



New code completion suggestions for Django ORM

When working with models, PyCharm now offers field completion suggestions in a variety of cases, such as Model.save(update_fields[...]), Model.refresh_from_db(fields=[...]), Model.clean_fields(exclude=[...]), and so on.

Quick-fix to create a method for an unresolved ViewSet

If a ViewSet has an unresolved reference, PyCharm suggests a quick-fix to introduce the missing method. Use Alt+Enter to call it.

Type hinting for foreign key fields

PyCharm now correctly infers the type of <related_field>_id attributes in Django models based on the primary key type of the related model. This ensures that type hints are accurate when you're working with foreign key fields in Django projects, improving code quality and type safety.
