The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey in 2018


The Java questions were only shown to the developers who chose Java as one of their three primary programming languages.

Which versions of Java do you regularly use?
Java 918%Java 884%Java 733%Java 68%Other1%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.
Please also note that Java 10 is missing from the list as it was released after the Developer Ecosystem Survey 2018 was launched.

Usage of older Java versions is decreasing as compared with 2017: Java 6 decreased by 4% and Java 7 by 16%.

What application servers do you regularly use, if any?
Apache Tomcat60%Jetty21%JBoss EAP8%Weblogic7%Glassfish5%WebSphere5%Wildfly5%Liberty1%Payara1%Other3%None26%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Which frameworks do you use as an alternative to an application server, if any?
Spring Boot49%Netty11%Spark Java9%Vert.x3%Undertow3%Other4%None41%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Interesting fact: while 37% of Java developers use Java EE 8, another 37% of Java devs do not use Java EE or J2SE at all.

How do you package your web applications?
I use anembedded server (e.g. JAR)58%As artifacts (e.g. WAR)57%I'm not sure8%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.
This question was only answered by respondents who used application servers or frameworks as alternatives to application servers.

20% of developers package their web apps as a Docker image. Check out more in the DevOps section.

What web frameworks do you use, if any? (%)

Spring MVCSpring BootStruts 2JSFPlay FrameworkGWTDropwizard424276643Struts 1VaadinGrails 3WicketOtherNone2211433

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Developers are moving away from web frameworks: the number of Java devs who do not use any frameworks has increased by 7% compared to 2017.

Which IDE / editor do you use the most?
IntelliJ IDEA55%Eclipse or Eclipse-based17%Android Studio11%Visual Studio Code5%NetBeans5%Sublime Text2%Atom2%Vim2%Other1%
Which build systems do you regularly use, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Compared to 2017, Maven and Ant have lost ground while the share for Gradle has grown by 5%.

Thank you for your time!
We hope you found our report useful.