Python Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies
This section highlights the popularity of various Python frameworks, libraries and technologies that Python developers use.
What frameworks do you use in addition to Python? (multiple answers)
All respondents
Web developers
Data scientists
NumPy / pandas / Matplotlib / scipy and similar
Keras / Theano / TensorFlow / scikit-learn and similar
PyQT / PyGTK / wxPython
NumPy / pandas / Matplotlib / scipy and similar
Keras / Theano / TensorFlow / scikit-learn and similar
PyQT / PyGTK / wxPython
NumPy / pandas / Matplotlib / scipy and similar
Keras / Theano / TensorFlow / scikit-learn and similar
PyQT / PyGTK / wxPython
Django is the most popular framework used by 41% of Python developers.
Scientific packages such as NumPy/Pandas/Matplotlib, taken together, are in close second with 39%. In terms of roles, Django was selected by 76% of web developers, but only by 31% of those involved primarily in data science. Curiously, 29% of web developers are using scientific libraries. This corroborates a strong overlap between the two roles.
What additional technology(s) do you use in addition to Python? (multiple answers)
All developers
Web developers
Data scientists
ORM (SQLAlchemy, PonyORM, etc.)
DevOps tools (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.)
ORM (SQLAlchemy, PonyORM, etc.)
DevOps tools (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.)
ORM (SQLAlchemy, PonyORM, etc.)
DevOps tools (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.)
Jupyter Notebook is the most popular technology used together with Python.
This is expected given the large number of developers involved in data science. Docker trails it by only 2%, at 29%. Breaking this down by roles, Docker is used by 47% of those mostly involved in web development, but only by 23% of data scientists. Similarly, cloud platforms such as AWS, Google App Engine, Heroku and others are used twice as often by web developers than by data scientists.
Top Cloud Platform(s)
AWS is the most popular cloud platform used by 67% of those who selected Cloud platforms in the previous question. GAE, Heroku, and DigitalOcean fall behind AWS with far smaller shares.
We couldn’t list all the cloud platforms as answer options for this question, but the “Other” field collected 13% of all responses. The top “other” platforms, not included in main results included Linode, PythonAnywhere, OpenShift, and OpenStack.