- Version: 2024.3.6
- Build: 2024.3.6.65536
- 28 February 2025
Download ReSharper
Free 30-day trial, no evaluation key required.
You will need an active Internet connection to proceed with installation.
ReSharper 2024.3.6 officially supports Visual Studio 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, and 2013.
If you have an existing installation of any product from dotUltimate pack, please mind dotUltimate compatibility limitations.
Free 30-day trial, no evaluation key required. Free trials are also available for other products included in dotUltimate.
In the dotUltimate installer, please select products to install or update, as well as versions of Visual Studio you want these products integrated into.
ReSharper 2024.3.6 officially supports Visual Studio 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, and 2013.
If you have an existing installation of any product from dotUltimate pack, please mind dotUltimate compatibility limitations.
ReSharper Command Line Tools (CLT) is a free set of standalone command line tools that enable you to run ReSharper inspections outside of Visual Studio and find duplicate code. The tools can be integrated with a CI server, code quality management server or version control system.
ReSharper Command Line Tools are free and don't require a license key.
To learn more, please refer to ReSharper Command Line Tools.
Note that by downloading and installing ReSharper Command Line Tools, you accept ReSharper Command Line Tools License Agreement.