2025.1 EAP3 build 2025.1.0.3

Released: February 7, 2025

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ReSharper Tools Early Access Program

We at JetBrains believe that making tools for developers should involve listening to them. Our Early Access Program lets the community participate in discussions devoted to our products and influence the development planning, from the early stages onwards.

The program provides access to pre-release builds of ReSharper and other JetBrains .NET tools: ReSharper C++, dotTrace, dotMemory, dotCover, and dotPeek.

In addition, please note that:

  • All EAP builds are valid for 30 days from release date and do not require a license.
  • All products that integrate into Visual Studio support Visual Studio 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, and 2013.
  • The ReSharper Tools installer will remove all previous installations of ReSharper and other JetBrains .NET tools from Visual Studio.

For the list of known issues you might want to visit the ReSharper Help Center.

Please use the ReSharper issue tracker to report bugs and suggest new features.

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This is an early access version of the product

You expressly acknowledge that this version of the product may not be reliable, may not work as intended and may contain errors. Any use of the EAP product is at your own risk.

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Build infoBuild highlights

2025.1 EAP3 build 2025.1.0.3

Released: February 7, 2025

No subscription required


ReSharper 2025.1 EAP 3

dotPeek / Decompiler updates:

  • Added support for the lock statement with the new System.Threading.Lock type introduced in C# 13. [DOTP-8177]
  • Introduced support for pattern-based using for ref structs. [DOTP-8176]
  • Added support for required members. [DOTP-8178]
  • Improved code readability by adding commented hexadecimal representations for certain integer constants in decompiled code. [DOTP-5828]

For the full list of changes included in this build, please see our issue tracker.

2025.1 EAP2 build 2025.1.0.2

Released: January 31, 2025

No subscription required


ReSharper 2025.1 EAP 2

Updated Transform Parameters refactoring

The Transform Parameters refactoring in ReSharper has been updated for a better fit with modern C# features. The improvements include:

  • Support for tuples: Now supports tuples syntax in C# 7+. For older versions or when adding items to an existing tuple, System.Tuple is used.
  • Tuple item handling: Tuple items are now treated as multiple return values. Unchecked items will be converted into out parameters.
  • Enhanced ref parameter handling: ref parameters can now be transformed into two separate parts – one as a standard parameter and the other as a return value.
  • Support for records and primary constructors: The refactoring now accommodates record classes and primary constructors.
  • Improved single parameter mode: The Use same parameter as input output mode has been reworked to ensure compatibility with ref parameters and record classes.
  • Refactoring prioritization: The Transform Parameter code action can now be prioritized over Change Signature when the caret is placed on a parameter.
  • Expanded support for deconstruction: The refactoring now supports many deconstruction use cases. Additional conflict detection mechanisms have been implemented to handle complex cases where automatic transformation would alter semantics.

For more information, please see this ticket

For the full list of changes included in this build, please see our issue tracker.

2025.1 EAP1 build 2025.1.0.1

Released: January 17, 2025

No subscription required


The ReSharper 2025.1 Early Access Program is here!

dotMemory is now fully integrated with Visual Studio

Starting with the 2025.1 EAP 1 build, dotMemory is now fully integrated into Visual Studio, making memory profiling seamless and accessible directly within your development environment. This integration allows you to start profiling your startup projects, attach to running processes, and analyze memory usage – all without leaving Visual Studio. 

ReSharper C++

The 2025.1 EAP 1 build comes with the following improvements:

Cross-platform code enhancements

Code editing and navigation

  • If no file with a matching name exists, the Switch header/source feature now suggests files containing symbols from the current file. [RSCPP-36341]
  • The __declspec(property) feature now parses get and put arguments and also supports Rename refactoring for them. [RSCPP-14090]

Code analysis and formatting

  • Improved handling of the Indent class member from access specifier formatter setting in typing assistance for a smoother editing experience. [RSCPP-31862]
  • An inspection has been added to detect redundant forward declarations within a single file. [RSCPP-35102]

This blog post contains the full information about the updates included in this build.