What’s New in Rider

Rider 2023.1 improves support for C#, including a set of inspections to optimize and speed up your work with various types of collections, and more adjustable ways to introduce null checks in your code. Game development using Rider is bolstered by the introduction of support for Unity’s Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) and Unreal Engine 5.2, including the recent updates to the Blueprints file format, support for Godot 4, as well as a host of other gamedev workflow enhancements. The latest version of the IDE also boasts some handy tweaks to the Editor, improvements to Version Control tools and working with Docker, as well as a bunch of improvements to the new UI and overall user experience.

Key updates

Support for Unity’s DOTS GameDev

Following Unity’s lead in moving from object-oriented to data-oriented design, Rider 2023.1 has introduced support for Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) – a paradigm-shifting, CPU-friendly approach to building games.

Learn more

Reducing the number of lookups in collections

Reducing the number of lookups in collections C# support

We’ve added inspections and corresponding quick-fixes to optimize your work with collections by reducing the number of lookups. For example, Rider will now suggest removing redundant Contains and ContainsKey checks or using TryAdd and TryGetValue methods instead.

VCS widget for Perforce Version Control

Rider’s integration with Perforce received a major upgrade with the addition of Perforce to the Version Control Systems (VCS) widget. The VCS widget for Perforce provides quick access to essential actions such as Commit, Revert, and Update Project. It also indicates the current workspace and displays the status of your connection.

Visualizers for string variables Debugger

During a debugging session, you can now see the values visualized for HTML, XML, JSON, JWT, or URL-encoding string variables. Just click on the View link next to a string in the Threads & Variables tab of the Debug tool window. Alternatively, click on the View link that appears when you hover over a variable in the Editor.

C# support

Reducing the number of lookups in collections

We’ve introduced a set of inspections with corresponding quick-fixes to optimize and speed up your work with different types of collections by reducing the number of lookups in collections:

  • To remove a Contains(item) check before adding the item into HashSet or other collections implementing the ISet interface.
  • To remove a ContainsKey(key) check before adding the item into Dictionary or other collections implementing the IDictionary interface.
  • To use TryAdd(key, value) for Dictionary collections or collections inherited from Dictionary when possible.
  • To use TryGetValue(key, out value) for IDictionary collections when possible.

Syntax style for null checking pattern

We provided the new Syntax style setting to help you enforce one consistent style of not null checks inside the patterns. It consists of two options: empty recursive pattern syntax { } and negated pattern not null, where the latter is the default one. You can adjust the behavior anytime by going to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style | C# | Syntax Style tab.

Using the not null pattern has a disadvantage as it doesn't allow for variable names to be introduced for the checked value like the recursive pattern { LastName: { } lastName } can. We've added the Add pattern variable context action over the not null pattern to look for expressions accessing the same value (since we are introducing a variable name) and replace all of them with the newly introduced name to consolidate all of the accesses to the same value.

ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull style of null checks

ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull style of null checks

.NET 6.0 SDK introduced a new API for null checking - ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull. Our code analysis engine has recognized this checking approach since that time, but there was no option to use this API as a default style of null checks produced by Rider.

In the 2023.1 release we added an ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull pattern to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style | C# | Null checking for Rider.

Extract common property pattern

Extract common property pattern

If you use property pattern matching heavily, try our new inspection with a quick-fix to extract common elements from several property patterns when they come together in the code flow. The code generated by the Extract common property pattern quick-fix helps you reduce code repetition by moving common property patterns to a higher-level pattern.

Remove empty regions

Remove empty regions

C# developers often rely on the #region directive and code folding in the IDE to structure their code. Refactoring may leave some #region’s empty, which can make the code look misleading when collapsed. With this new code inspection, you'll be able to identify empty #region’s in their collapsed state and clean up the code with a corresponding quick-fix.

Replace span.SequenceEqual(“str”)

Replace span.SequenceEqual(“str”)

Code analysis now has a code inspection that will suggest replacing span.SequenceEqual("stringLiteral") with span is "stringLiteral" – a cleaner and more convenient C# syntax solution than calling a function.

Insert a return type specification for lambdas

Insert a return type specification for lambdas

Lambda expressions in C# can have implicitly-typed parameters and inferred return types. However, explicit types can be added to clarify code in complex overload resolution scenarios. Starting from C# 11, it’s also possible to add a return type specification for lambda expressions.

To accomplish this, we’re introducing an Insert return type specification context action in version 2023.1. The action can be applied to all scopes, including method, class, file, project, or to the entire solution, to accomplish this.

Pattern is redundant inspection

Pattern is redundant inspection

C# or/and/not patterns are useful for compact value checks, but can be less recognizable than traditional expressions, such as ||/&&/!. They may also create hard-to-find bugs if parentheses are missed. To help with this we introduced a new code analysis that warns you about "dead" checks inside complex patterns.

Convert to list pattern context action

Convert to list pattern context action

We are continuing to improve our support of C# 11 list patterns. With the new Convert to list pattern context action you can turn collection length checks into a list pattern syntax. It works in any context where a check of a collection length can be done.

Game Development


DOTS support

Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) is a major architectural change for Unity. It stores component data in contiguous vectors, which systems can access and modify in a more CPU-efficient manner. This leads to improved performance, especially with larger, more ambitious projects.

With this release, we’re introducing support for Unity DOTS to bolster Rider’s reputation as the most innovative IDE for game development.

With Rider 2023.1, you can take advantage of the following new features:

  • New file templates.
  • Code Vision for DOTS types.
  • Auto-generation of authoring components to “baker” mapping code.
  • Inspections and quick fixes to help you write and update codebases to work in the new DOTS style.

Find out everything you need to know about DOTS in Rider from this blog post and demo.

Debugging on Android devices via USB

While it’s been possible to debug Android games via WiFi, sometimes it’s better just to use a cable. Rider 2023.1 now supports debugging Android games via USB.

Use the Attach to Unity Process dialog to see which projects are running on connected devices, and start debugging.

Temporary run configurations for attached players

Temporary run configurations for attached players

Rider 2023.1 will automatically create a temporary run configuration when debugging a player via the Attach to Unity Process dialog. This makes it easier to start another debugging session. You can save the run configuration to make it permanent, and share it with your team. This works with all supported players, including desktop, mobile devices, consoles, and USB devices (iOS or Android).



Rider already gives you online documentation for the .NET Base Class Libraries and core Unity API. However, with this release, it also gives you quick access to online documentation for Unity registry packages, including DOTS. You can view links to the documentation by either pressing F1 or consulting the Quick Documentation popup that appears when you hover over a symbol.

Like the rest of the product, Unity support in Rider is fully localized, and this extends to Unity’s API documentation and online help, wherever the translated documentation is available.

UI Toolkit friendly file templates

Starting with Unity 2022.2, the UI Toolkit is the recommended way to write UI extensions for the Unity Editor. To get you started, we’ve added 3 new customizable file templates based on the UI Toolkit: creating editor windows, property drawers, or custom Inspector editors. They are only available in Unity 2022.2 or later, and the IMGUI versions are still available.

There’s always more!

As always, there are plenty of other changes and updates, such as more accurately detecting serialized fields in your code, including complex scenarios using derived types and the [SerializeReference] attribute. We’ve also improved support for finding usages of C# code in Unity animations, and highlighting your methods as event handlers. A frequently requested update to the formatting engine to place [Header] attributes on a separate line has also been implemented.

Unreal Engine

Support for Unreal Engine 5.2

Epic Games has merged UnrealHeaderTool (UHT) into UnrealBuildTool (UBT) in Unreal Engine 5.1 and 5.2. Rider 2023.1 is ready for these changes, and the UHT integration in Rider will work for the new Unreal Engine versions. Rider now also supports recent updates to the Blueprints file format, which will be included in Unreal Engine 5.2.

New UE class context action

We’ve reworked the Unreal Class… context action which now offers a range of parent classes to choose from, as well as the option to specify whether the class is public or private. Overall, the dialog now looks and functions more in line with its Unreal Engine counterpart.

Blueprint Error Parsing

If a Blueprint file fails to be parsed by Rider, Rider will now display the parsing errors in a separate Blueprints tab in the Problems View window. This allows you to locate the problematic file in the native file system explorer. Each problem contains a short description of the kind of error that was detected.

Parsing Clang compilation messages

Parsing Clang compilation messages

Rider 2023.1 can now parse messages generated by the Clang compiler when building Unreal Engine games on macOS and Linux. All Clang warnings and errors in the Build Output tool window are parsed correctly, including links to files. Double-clicking on the link navigates you to the exact place in the code where the warning or error stems from.

Macro substitution previews

Macro substitution previews

When hovering over a macro, you can now see its expansion preview in the tooltip, with full syntax highlighting and proper code formatting. You can still use the Substitute macro call context action to expand it right in the editor, but the instant preview makes working with macros easier.

UInterface live template

UInterface live template

Rider now offers a built-in UInterface live template for Unreal Engine solutions. Similar to the existing UCLASS, USTRUCT, and UENUM live templates, UInterface lets you quickly add a new interface class that follows the Unreal Engine conventions, saving you the time and effort of creating it manually.

Shader mapping

You can now specify mappings for virtual and physical shader directories. If you have RiderLink installed in the game or engine project, you can also load shader mappings information from Unreal Engine.


Godot Plugin

The latest version of the Godot plugin for Rider comes with the following updates and fixes:

  • res:// completion was improved to increase its usability and visibility. For certain known API calls, i.e. GD.LoadPackedScene, completion for string literals will be immediately available, even before the res:// prefix is typed.
  • Godot 4 relies on the .NET6 runtime instead of Mono, so several fixes were required to accommodate the shift. When you’re debugging a Godot application and a breakpoint is hit, a Current Scene will automatically be created inside the Immediate Window. Furthermore, any Godot.Node inside the Immediate Window now has an additional Children group, which can be used to reveal its children and their children, recursively.

Code Editor

Option to show whitespaces only in selected code

Option to show whitespaces only in selected code

There’s a new Selection checkbox in Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Appearance | Show Whitespaces that allows you to configure this setting so that Rider shows whitespaces as small dots only when you select code.

Color and brush previews

Color and brush previews

The code editor inside Rider will now render color and brush previews for the values and references inside Avalonia XAML (.axaml) and C# files, just like it does for WPF applications.

Option to hide type conversion hints

Option to hide type conversion hints

We’ve implemented a way for Rider to hide type conversion hints for selected operators. To hide the inlay hints, place the caret next to an operator and use the Alt+Enter shortcut to trigger a context menu, then go to Configure Inlay Hints | Type Conversion Hints and select the Hide for... action.

You can also go to Settings / Preferences | Editor | Inlay Hints | C# | Type Conversion Hints to configure the list of operators for which you want to hide type conversion hints.

No spell checks for hashes and special values

No spell checks for hashes and special values

We’ve updated the Typo inspection so that it no longer checks the spelling of hashes and special values and doesn’t report them as misspelled. This update covers the following values:

  • Md5, Sha1, and Sha256 hex values.
  • Sha384 and Sha512 base64-encoded integrity values with the shaNNN- prefix.
  • JWT tokens.
Parameter name hints for xUnit attributes

Parameter name hints for xUnit attributes

As it already does with NUnit, Rider can now display parameter name hints for the attributes InlineData and InlineAutoData in xUnit tests.

Web development

Imports on code completion for Angular

In Rider 2023.1, when you’re working with global and exported symbols in the Angular template, the IDE will automatically add an import for them into your component on code completion or when you use a quick-fix.

Support for TypeScript in Vue template expressions

Rider 2023.1 includes support for TypeScript in Vue template expressions. The Vue template expressions now sync with lang=”ts” when added to script tags. As a result, Rider can better evaluate TypeScript, providing preferences and relevant refactorings matching what’s inside the script tag. You may have noticed before that there were differences between settings and refactorings for pure .js and .ts files. Now the lang attributes will match.

Automatic conversion of strings to template literals

Automatic conversion of strings to template literals

Rider will now transform your single- or double-quoted strings into template literals automatically whenever you type ${. This works for raw strings as well as for JSX properties.

Learn more: What's New in WebStorm 2023.1

UX/UI Improvements

Full IDE zoom

Full IDE zoom

It’s now possible to zoom into and out of Rider, increasing or decreasing the size of all UI elements at once. From the main menu, select View | Appearance and adjust the IDE’s scaling.

New Remember size for each tool window setting

New Remember size for each tool window setting

In Rider 2023.1, we’ve introduced a new layout option that allows you to unify the width of the side tool windows or retain the ability to freely adjust their sizes as you customize your layout. The new Remember size for each tool window checkbox is available in Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Tool Windows.

ML-powered search for classes in Search Everywhere enabled by default

ML-powered search for classes in Search Everywhere enabled by default

To provide you with more relevant and accurate search results, we continue our efforts to integrate machine-learning ranking into the Search Everywhere (Double Shift) functionality. The sorting algorithm in the Classes tab is now also powered by machine learning by default, along with the results in the Actions and Files tabs.

Changes to the New UI Beta

Vertical split for tool windows

Vertical split for tool windows

For the new UI, we’ve introduced the option to split the tool window area so that you can conveniently arrange these windows.

To add a tool window to this area and place it in the lower part, drag its icon along the sidebar and drop it under the separator. Alternatively, you can right-click on an icon to call the context menu and assign the new placement for a tool window using the Move to action.

Compact Mode

Compact Mode

To improve the user experience with Rider’s new UI on smaller screens, we’ve introduced Compact Mode, which provides a more consolidated look and feel due to the reduced heights for toolbars and tool window headers, scaled-down spacings and paddings, and smaller icons and buttons.

To turn on Compact Mode, go to the View menu and select Appearance | Compact Mode.

Project tabs on macOS

Project tabs on macOS

We’ve implemented one of the most popular feature requests for the IDE’s new UI – project tabs for macOS users. When you have several projects open, you can now easily switch between them using project tabs displayed under the main toolbar.

Show Hidden Tabs

Show Hidden Tabs

We’ve added the Show Hidden Tabs feature to the new UI. Next to the open tabs, you now have a drop-down showing the complete list of open tabs. Previously, they may have been hidden.

Redesigned Run widget

We’ve redesigned the Run widget in the main window header using calmer colors, so that its appearance is subtler and easier on the eyes.

Version Control tools

Improved code review workflow for GitHub

For Rider 2023.1 we’ve fine-tuned the process of reviewing code inside the IDE. Our research shows that users typically switch between GitHub and their IDE for cases when they require code browsing. We’ve improved on this workflow by reworking the Pull Request tool window.

The window now has a dedicated tab for each pull request, displaying only essential information to help users focus on the task at hand. We also added a button for easy execution of the most important action for the pull request's current state.

Auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup

Auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup

With Rider 2023.1, we’ve implemented auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup. Once you start typing a name for your new branch, the IDE will suggest relevant prefixes based on the names of existing local branches.

Improved Branches popup

Improved Branches popup

We’ve improved the usability of the Branches popup. For instance, navigating between branches is now easier, as they are grouped and stored in expandable lists.

Database tools

Database Schema Compare

Schema Compare is an essential tool for database development and maintenance. It lets users compare two databases to quickly identify the differences between them, ensure there are no discrepancies, and keep the data up to date.

Rider 2023.1 introduces Schema Compare for connected databases, SQL Server database projects, and .dacpac files. To initiate the comparison, right-click on the database project file in the Solution Explorer and choose Schema Compare....

We’ve created a dedicated editor window where you can view and edit Schema Compare (.scmp) files. Additionally, the Problems View window will now include the issues identified as a result of database comparison and the ones spotted by database model validation.

Important: Rider’s Schema Compare implementation is based on SQL Server Data Tools and therefore requires you to have Microsoft Visual Studio (version 2017 or newer) installed on your computer.


Fast mode running

Fast mode is now available to run Docker projects in Rider. Previously, you could only use it for debugging. We’ve also made it possible to use Fast mode with a wider range of Dockerfiles. Last but not least, we’ve made Fast mode even faster by pulling the Docker images and inspecting them during solution startup.

Auto-generated run configurations

Rider 2023.1 can generate Docker Compose run configurations from .dcproj project files automatically upon opening a solution. This version of the IDE is also able to generate Dockerfile run configurations whenever there’s a DockerfileFile project property specified or a Docker profile included in the launchSettings.json file.

Additional customization can be achieved by specifying httpPort, sslPort, publishAllPorts, and useSSL properties in the launch settings profile.

Sharing generated SSL certificates

Whenever you deploy an application to Docker in Fast mode, you need to share the generated HTTPS development certificates between the host and the container. We’ve automated this step by adding a Share generated SSL certificate option for Docker run configurations. It is only possible to share trusted certificates on Windows and macOS, which means you need to manually trust the certificate on Linux.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose

Now you can add Docker Compose to your project to easily handle multiple containers at once. To do so, call up the context menu for a project and select Add | Docker Compose File to generate:

  • A Dockerfile for the project, if it’s missing.
  • A docker-compose.yml file in the Solution Items solution folder above all of the projects in the tree.
  • A couple of run configurations to run either Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml.

Merged logs from all Docker Compose containers

The Dashboard tab of the Docker Compose node now pulls together logs from every Docker Compose container and displays them all in one place, updated in real time.

Support for Azure Container Registry

You can now easily connect to Azure Container Registry. Go to Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Docker | Docker Registry and set it up by selecting the Docker V2 option in the Registry input field.


Run configuration

Sometimes you may want to run your application on a runtime that is installed in a custom folder. For this case, we’ve introduced an Add Custom Runtime option for the Runtime setting on the Run/Debug Configurations page.

We’ve also added paths to the default runtime versions in the Runtime dropdown list.

Rider 2023.1 also provides support for the DebugRoslynComponent command from the launchSettings.json file to help you debug Roslyn components with ease.

Reattach to Process action

Reattach to Process action

You can now easily reattach Rider’s debugger to the last process it was attached to by simply going to Run | Reattach to Process... in the main menu or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F5. This new action becomes active after the first debugging session.

Debugging WASM startup code

Rider can now debug startup code for WebAssembly (WASM) .NET applications. Previously, the WASM debugger could only attach after app initialization was done for most projects, because it required some time to perform port calculation, connection initialization, etc. The delay made it impossible to debug startup-time code.

Now, Rider waits for the page target initialization, connects the debugger, and only then does it start the actual app loading. That makes it possible to catch breakpoints set at the early stages of the app’s initialization logic.

Closing browser tabs at the end of debugging

When you start a debugging session for an ASP.NET Core application in Rider, it triggers the IDE to open a new browser window or a tab for it. Until now, running several debugging sessions would leave you with multiple open tabs that you would then have to close manually.

Now, whenever you debug an ASP.NET Core application with a JavaScript debugger enabled, Rider will close the corresponding browser tab the moment you stop the process.

F# support

Code completion

Auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup

We’ve introduced the new postfix templates match, for, and with to help you with writing required boilerplate code.

Auto-completion in the Create New Branch popup

When starting a new match expression, there's a suggestion to generate all cases for union, enum, bool and tuple values.

Regular expressions language injections

Regular expressions language injections

We’ve added support for regular expressions in string literals for F# (with significant help from Saul Rennison). When passing string parameters annotated with [RegexPatternAttribute] or [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Regex)], or if there is a comment //language=regex next to a string literal, Rider will process strings as regular expressions, highlight the syntax and errors, and offer auto-completion.

Quick fixes

Quick fixes

  • There's a new quick fix that generates missing pattern branches in a match expression.

You can find the full list of F# updates and fixes here.


Localization Beta

Rider 2023.1 introduces the first stage of localization into Chinese, Korean, and Japanese! You will get a partially localized UI, code inspections, an Alt+Enter menu, tool windows, and notifications, including those for Unity and Unreal Engine support.

To localize your IDE, go to Settings/Preferences | Plugins and search the Marketplace for a language pack plugin in your desired language. Install the plugin and restart the IDE to apply the changes. Alternatively, you can download a Chinese, Korean, or Japanese language pack plugin from the JetBrains Marketplace website and install it by going to Settings/Preferences | Plugins | ⚙️ | Install Plugin from Disk.

Trigger Continuous Testing action

Trigger Continuous Testing action dotUltimate

We’ve introduced a Trigger Continuous Testing action, as well as the option to set up a shortcut for it. The action makes it possible to trigger continuous testing directly, whereas previously, you could only do this indirectly by building or saving your project.

To assign a shortcut to this action, go to Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Unit Testing | Continuous Testing, select Trigger Continuous Testing on..., and set up a shortcut of your choice.

Astro support

Initial Astro support has landed, with a new plugin available to use in Rider. You can download the Astro plugin from JetBrains Marketplace, or install it directly from the IDE by going to Settings/Preferences | Plugins and searching for “Astro”.

The plugin provides basic functionality such as syntax highlighting, code completion with automatic imports, refactorings, navigation, intentions, code folding, Emmet support, and correct formatting.

Other Features

Structure view

Rider 2023.1 comes packed with improvements and fixes for code navigation. Rider now shows inherited members in the Structure view tool window, and we’ve restored Rider’s ability to display the class members of decompiled code in the Structure view.

Rider will now use IntelliJ IDEA’s Structure view popup when the Go to File Member command is initiated. This will enable the IDE to show the structure of a file and allow it to show symbols from compiled base types. We’ve also implemented grouping inside the popup, so you can tell where each item is located at a glance.

Code cleanup

Code cleanup

Reformat inactive preprocessor branches in file is a new task type for code cleanup we’re introducing in Rider 2023.1. The task enables you to reformat inactive preprocessor branches. It can only be applied to the entire file at once and works only with C# sources.

This task cannot reformat code hidden behind a preprocessor directive #if that is always false. The two most obvious examples of this limitation are #if false ... #endif and #define A #if !A ... #endif constructs.

Text filters for unit test trees

Text filters for unit test trees

Text search filters applied to unit test trees inside the Unit Tests and Unit Test Coverage tool windows, are now taken into account when running tests using the toolbar’s Run buttons. Only the tests that satisfy the search criteria will remain listed and run.

Rename refactoring

Rename refactoring

We have improved the way Rider handles renaming files in a project. From this version of Rider and onwards, whenever you rename a file inside your solution, a dialog will appear with the option to rename all relevant symbols (classes, interfaces, etc.) to match the change.