2025.1 eap сборка 251.22821.84

Выпущено: 24 февраля 2025 г.

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CLion Early Access Program

Мы убеждены: чтобы создавать лучшие инструменты для разработчиков, необходимо прислушиваться к пользователям и привлекать их к процессу работы над продуктом на самых ранних этапах. Благодаря программе раннего доступа (Early Access Program) разработчики, для которых мы делаем наши инструменты, могут участвовать в обсуждении продуктов и влиять на их дальнейшее развитие.

Зачем участвовать в программе раннего доступа?

Программа раннего доступа позволяет попробовать новые возможности нашего продукта до релиза.

Вы сможете оценить возможности, которые появятся в следующей версии CLion. Оставляйте свои замечания и предложения в нашем трекере.

Это ознакомительная версия продукта

Данная версия может быть нестабильной и содержать ошибки. Используя EAP-версию, вы соглашаетесь с тем, что в продукте могут быть недостатки.

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2025.1 eap сборка 251.22821.84

Выпущено: 24 февраля 2025 г.

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A new EAP build for CLion 2025.1 is now available.

It includes the following major updates:

  • CLion’s debugger now supports custom LLDBs for macOS and Linux.
  • When debugging STM32 projects, you can now use the ST-LINK debug server template, which was designed specifically for STM32 chips.
  • Creating a new PlatformIO project from CLion’s Welcome screen now works as intended.
  • When using CLion Nova, changes to the tab width in the Code Style settings are no longer reset after a project reloads.

Please share your feedback and report any issues to our issue tracker.

2025.1 eap сборка 251.20015.45

Выпущено: 10 февраля 2025 г.

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A new EAP build for CLion 2025.1 is now available.

It includes the following major updates:

  • When working with Zephyr projects, you can now use the west build command options and sysbuild as your primary build system.
  • CLion now parses cl6x output more accurately when this compiler is configured as a custom compiler option with the corresponding YAML file.
  • The bundled CMake has been updated to the 3.31.4 version.
  • The Next / Previous Highlighted Usage action now works as intended in CLion Nova.
  • The debugger now works correctly when using an OpenOCD run/debug configuration with a path to a board that contains spaces.
  • The OpenOCD Download & Run configuration option has also received some general improvements.

Please share your feedback and report any issues to our issue tracker.

2025.1 eap сборка 251.18673.49

Выпущено: 1 февраля 2025 г.

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A new EAP build for CLion 2025.1 is now available.

It includes the following key updates:

  • The CLion debugger now supports Qt renderers, also known as Qt pretty printers and Qt debugging helpers, allowing you to view Qt variables in a human-readable form.
  • The Go to Header/Source navigation action now works as expected in CLion Nova.
  • When you open a project with files not specified in the project model, such as CMake, CLion Nova now treats them as files included in the project and provides all language features.
  • Opening a file in LightEdit mode no longer crashes the IDE.
  • New keyword groups are available for the C/C++ formatting color scheme, such as Builtin type, Control flow keyword, and Control transfer keyword.
  • CLion Nova now correctly handles _Float types in the implementation of the std::format, which means resolving std::format when using GCC now works as expected.
  • False positives no longer appear for members of anonymous structures and unions.
  • We’ve added support for OpenCL vector types created with the ext_vector_type attribute.
  • CLion Nova now supports the ?: operator, also known as the Elvis operator.

Please share your feedback and report any issues to our issue tracker.

2025.1 eap сборка 251.14649.40

Выпущено: 15 января 2025 г.

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Примечания к версии

The first EAP build for CLion 2025.1 is here!

Here are some of the key features:

  • The CLion Nova language engine has received some of the most requested features from CLion Classic, including several smart keys and actions.
  • CLion Nova now supports the GoogleTest and Catch2 testing frameworks when working with Bazel projects.
  • For embedded developers, we’ve added the ability to view and manage the DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS hardware control signals.
  • The Debug Server configuration option has been enhanced with UX improvements and bug fixes.

For more details, see the blog post.

Please share your feedback and report any issues to our issue tracker.