Artifact repositories store build artifacts made by continuous integration. Find out more about why artifact repositories matter with TeamCity.
A branching strategy dictates how and when branches should be merged in version control. Find out all about branching strategies in this TeamCity guide.
Canary releases happen when changes are released to a small group of users. Find out more about canary releases and why they’re useful with TeamCity.
Code coverage measures the proportion of code exercised by automated tests. Find out what this means and how it helps developers with TeamCity.
Configuration management is the recording of details within an infrastructure setup for change review. Find out more about configuration management with TeamCity.
Continuous Delivery Models offer frames for gauging the progression of CI/CD. Find out why Continuous Delivery Models matter with TeamCity.
Deployment automation is the process of automating updates to testing, staging, and live environments. Find out more about deployment automation with TeamCity.
Feature flags allow developers to modify functionalities within software without changing code. Find out more about feature flags and why they’re useful.
Flaky tests are tests that return new results, despite there being no changes to code. Find out why flaky tests matter and how to avoid them with TeamCity.
Release orchestrations allow developers to coordinate the automation of tasks within multiple systems. Find out more about release orchestrations with TeamCity.
Static code analysis is a series of automated checks performed on source code. Find out why it is important and how it works with CI/CD with TeamCity.
Frequently used by teams practicing CI/CD, trunk-based development is one of several branching strategies. Find out more in this TeamCity Guide.
A lean technique for analyzing processes, value stream mapping identifies areas of waste to optimize workflows. Find out more about it with TeamCity.
Version Control Systems (VCS) allow developers to keep track of changes within a codebase. Find out why VCSs are must-haves in software development.