TeamCity Extensibility

Connect your CI/CD system to every component in your software development process. TeamCity combines out-of-the-box integrations and a vast range of tools with powerful extensibility features.

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Customize TeamCity

Connect TeamCity to each element in your software development toolchain and unlock the full benefits of CI/CD.

Powerful cloud integrations

Run build and test jobs on Amazon EC2 instances, Docker containers, Kubernetes clusters, Microsoft Azure resources, Google Cloud Engine instances, and VMWare virtual machines.

Secure user management

Enable user management and authentication via your existing VCS hosting services and authentication providers, including GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, and Google.

Integrations with issue trackers

Import details of issues, tickets, or backlog items from your issue-tracking tool based on references in commit messages.

IDE integrations

Trigger builds and view the results directly from Visual Studio or any IntelliJ-based IDE.

Supported tech stack

Built-in support for Java, .NET, Powershell, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Xcode, and other tools provides access to detailed build and test results, code coverage reports, inspection findings, and more.

TeamCity plugins

Extend your CI/CD platform with off-the-shelf plugins for TeamCity or build your own plugin with the help of our quick start guide.

Plugin Marketplace

Thanks to our extensive plugin ecosystem, discover new ways to integrate TeamCity with your development toolchain. With over 170 plugins available – from triggering releases with Octopus Deploy to sharing build updates via Microsoft Teams – adapting your CI/CD platform to your needs is simple.

Explore TeamCity plugins

Plugin management and development

Ensure a perfect fit for your process by building a custom plugin dedicated to your needs. Whether you want to create a custom build runner, implement a bespoke authentication module, report build results to a third-party system, or modify any other aspect of TeamCity’s functionality, you can achieve it with the help of our Plugin Development Guide.

Explore the Plugin Development Guide


Integrate your CI/CD platform into your existing systems and tools with the help of TeamCity’s fully-featured REST API. Retrieve information automatically to monitor progress and produce reports, or use custom scripts to interact with TeamCity programmatically for a completely hands-off approach.

  • Create new projects, retrieve project details, and update existing projects.
  • Define new build configurations and make changes to existing pipelines.
  • Initiate builds and fetch results.
  • Manage build agents and access key data.
  • Update build parameters – including environment variables, system properties, and configuration options – dynamically for use in subsequent pipeline stages.
  • Assign investigations into build failures and report on their progress.
  • Manipulate build artifacts and manage storage.

Import updates from custom scripts

TeamCity’s support for custom scripts allows you to run builds and execute tests as part of your automated pipeline, even if the build runner or testing framework is not supported. You can even import progress updates and results in real time and enjoy all of the benefits of TeamCity’s reporting and analysis features with just a little help from service messages.

Simply add service messages to your custom build and test scripts to access the following features:

  • Determine overall success or failure status based on the number or proportion of failed tests.
  • Display test results on-the-fly.
  • Report test metadata – including logs, screenshots, tags, and values – to speed up diagnosis.
  • Enable automatic retry of failed tests and mute the previous failure if the subsequent attempt completes successfully.
  • Update build parameters dynamically.
  • Publish artifacts as soon as they are ready, rather than waiting for the build step to complete.

Get started with TeamCity

A powerful, customizable CI/CD system for teams that want more.


What’s the difference between the REST API and custom plugins?

Plugins allow you to add functionality to TeamCity, such as support for a build runner, VCS, issue tracker, or monitoring platform. Using the REST API, you can integrate TeamCity into another tool or call it from a custom script.

How do I add a plugin to JetBrains Marketplace?

If you want to share your plugin with millions of TeamCity users, simply check that you’ve complied with our guidelines and then upload your plugin for review. If your plugin is suitable, we’ll make it available for other TeamCity users to download and use. Find out more in our Marketplace guide.

Are there any limits on using the TeamCity REST API?

Your TeamCity Server exposes the TeamCity REST API. There are no license limits on the number of API calls you can make. For more information, including best practice recommendations, refer to the TeamCity API documentation.