Upsource Features

Whether you're looking for a code review tool, insight into your projects' history, or a place to collaborate or expand your developer expertise – Upsource has got you covered!

Automated code review

Enjoy a lightweight workflow for post-commit review, pull requests and branch review, no matter how small or large your team is. Set up triggers to automatically create code reviews and assign reviewers based on a number of criteria.

Repository browsing and search

Enjoy unified access to all your Git, Mercurial, Perforce or Subversion projects. Quickly find what you're looking for with our powerful search engine.


Review GitHub pull requests and GitLab merge requests in Upsource. Integrate Upsource with popular issue trackers such as JIRA and YouTrack, and Continuous Integration servers.

Code insight

Upsource provides syntax highlighting for dozens of languages, but teams using Java, Kotlin, PHP, JavaScript, and Python get an additional advantage. Having IntelliJ IDEA core in it, Upsource boasts in-depth knowledge of these languages and provides server-side static code analysis, code-aware navigation, and search for usages.

Data-driven project analytics

Upsource gathers VCS usage and code review statistics, and provides a number of reports for a bird's-eye view of what's going on in your projects.


Take advantage of advanced user management, granular and per-project permissions, and multiple authentication modules.

Team collaboration

Participate in discussions, @mention other users, and share everything with a URL, including code, revisions, diffs, code reviews, search filters, files, and even code selections. Use reactions and unlock achievements as you use Upsource!

IDE plugin

Install a code review plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains IDEs, and participate in code discussions and manage code reviews from the comfort of your IDE.


Upsource offers a distributed cluster setup that can accommodate hundreds of projects, serve thousands of users, and ensure 24/7 availability and fault tolerance.