Available Subscription Options

For Business and Organizations

Legal entities, including companies and organizations (both for-profit and non-profit), requiring the software for general commercial use qualify for the Toolbox Subscription plans for Organizations. A legal entity may use the software under Toolbox Subscription for Organizations on any computer, operating system, and by any developer within a legal entity, provided that the total number of concurrent users never exceeds the number of subscriptions purchased by that legal entity.

If you are not sure that Toolbox Subscription for Organizations is right for you, check the subscription comparison matrix.

For complete details, please check our standard Toolbox Subscription License Agreement for Business and Organizations.

For Individual Use

If you, as an individual, are purchasing Toolbox Subscription using your own funds, then the Toolbox Subscription plans for Individual Customers are right for you.

Toolbox Subscriptions for Individual Customers cannot be purchased by companies in any way or form, nor can a company reimburse an individual for a subscription they purchased. However, an individual may use a Toolbox Subscription for Individual Customers that they privately purchased on any hardware, including company hardware.

If you are not sure that Toolbox Subscription for Individual Customers is right for you, check the subscription comparison matrix.

For complete details, please check our Toolbox Subscription License Agreement for Individual Customers.

For Non-Commercial Use

If you as an individual intended to use Aqua, Rider, RustRover, or WebStorm to do development without earning commercial benefits, then the Toolbox Subscription plan for non-commercial use is right for you.

Common examples of non-commercial uses include learning and self-education, open-source contributions without earning commercial benefits, any form of content creation, and hobby development. For more information about this offer, please visit the free non-commercial licensing FAQ.

If you are not sure that the Toolbox Subscription for non-commercial use is right for you, check out the subscription comparison matrix.

For complete details, please see our Toolbox Subscription Agreement for Non-Commercial Use.

For Education and Open Source

Students, teachers, academic institutions, and non-commercial open-source software projects qualify for the one-year complimentary subscriptions allowing them to use the fully-functional versions of software for non-commercial purposes. For the complimentary subscription terms, check the subscription comparison matrix.

For the full overview of the discounted and complimentary subscription plans, please check the available Toolbox Subscription plans.

Subscription Options Comparison

For organizations For individual use For non-commercial use Educational pack Classroom license OSS development license
Available to Any legal entity (companies and organizations, including non-profit and government). Private individuals purchasing with their own funds. Cannot be purchased or reimbursed by companies. Private individuals who use Aqua, Rider, RustRover, or WebStorm Students and instructors of accredited academic institutions Accredited educational institutions Non-commercial open-source projects
Billed to Legal entity Private individual n/a n/a n/a n/a
License owner Legal entity Private individual Private individual Student/Instructor Educational institution Open-source project
Purpose of use General commercial General commercial Non-commercial Non-commercial only, including education and academic research Non-commercial, for educating students in classes Non-commercial, for development of open-source projects
Multi-user license? Yes - the total number of concurrent software users cannot exceed the number of purchased subscriptions No - software can be used solely by the person who purchased a subscription No - per user license model No - software can be used solely by the authorized person No - per user license model No - per user license model
License term Time-limited, based on monthly and yearly subscription payments Time-limited, based on monthly and yearly subscription payments Time-limited, based on automatic annual renewals Time-limited, based on annual renewals Time-limited, based on annual renewals Time-limited, based on annual renewals
Fallback License grant Yes - 12 preceding months of uninterrupted subscription payments are required Yes - 12 preceding months of uninterrupted subscription payments are required No No No No
Price See store See store Free, no approval required Free - requires approval Free - requires approval Free - requires approval