User Groups

Grow your user group together with JetBrains!

We provide free product licenses to raffle off at meetups to help you attract more attendees to your user group meetings.

Who can get support

Tech communities that get together every 1-3 months can receive free licenses to any JetBrains IDE as door prizes for each meetup:

  • 1 free license for user groups with 30-50 attendees per meetup.
  • 2 free licenses for user groups with 50-100 attendees per meetup.
  • 3 free licenses for user groups with 100+ attendees per meetup.

We also offer a free personal subscription to any JetBrains IDE for up to two user group leaders.

We encourage all user groups to have a сode of сonduct that is diligently enforced.

Join more than 700 user groups all over the world and get free JetBrains licenses to share with your community!
Apply for support

How user group support works


After you’ve applied and successfully registered in the User Group Support program, you will receive 2 free licenses for the user group leaders and a license you can use for the first raffle.


We will send you coupon codes for free licenses automatically every 1-3 months, depending on how often you organize meetups.


Raffle off free JetBrains licenses at every meetup and continue receiving new coupon codes.


We can provide you with free licenses to raffle off at meetups. If no coupons are activated by the winners within 3 months, you’ll get a friendly reminder. If no coupons are redeemed within 6 months, we will automatically suspend support for your user group.
Usually, we support user groups with an average of 30+ attendees. However, we can make a temporary arrangement with your group for 6 months. During this time you can raffle off one free license for any JetBrains tool/IDE at each monthly meeting. We hope this helps your user group grow and we’ll be able to offer you regular support later on.
No, it’s not a problem. You will keep receiving coupon codes during the break. The winners may take their time (up to 3 months) to redeem their coupon codes later on.
Yes, we provide up to 2 free annual licenses for user group leaders. To renew subscriptions for another year, user group organizers should contact us at least 2 weeks before the license expiration date.
No, free licenses for speakers are generally not provided. However, if you have some extra coupon codes that were not used at the previous meetups, you can share them with speakers at your discretion.
If you are looking for special support for your event, please contact us at
We offer free stickers that you can share with your community members. To request stickers, please contact
Winners should use this web form to redeem a coupon code. A license certificate will be emailed to them shortly after.
The coupon codes are valid within 3 months of the date they were sent. Winners should activate them within this period. You can find the expiration date printed on the coupons.
  • The coupon code has already expired.
  • An extra symbol crept in when copy-pasting the code. Try typing it in manually.
  • You are trying to obtain the All Products Pack, which is not provided in the User Group support program. Please choose a single JetBrains tool/IDE instead.
  • Each coupon code can be redeemed only once. If the coupon code has already been used by somebody else, it’s no longer valid for receiving a license.

To investigate a specific coupon redemption issue, please email us at including the coupon code that failed to get activated.

Yes, it is possible to renew support for a user group. Please contact us at to discuss the possible ways we can improve our licensing support for your meetups.