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In this release, you’ll find improvements to the UI, reworked internals for various components, and a binary-enabled textgen. MPS 2024.3 also brings enhanced support for icons, an applicability condit
The Release Candidate for MPS 2024.3 is now available for download! Grab it and be among the first to experience the new functionality. DOWNLOAD MPS 2024.3 RC You can learn about the new features in m
The first EAP build of MPS 2024.3 is now ready for you to download and try! DOWNLOAD MPS 2024.3 EAP The new version includes numerous fixes and improvements. Here are the two major ones that deserve s
We’re releasing updates for MPS 2022.2, 2022.3, 2023.2, 2023.3, and 2024.1, with numerous fixes included. In general, it’s safe to assume that all features and bug-fixes from the releases of older MPS
In this release, you’ll find a new asynchronous implementation of the Logical View tool window, substantial improvements to Kotlin support for different platforms, and a noticeably faster test run tim
We’re releasing an update for MPS 2022.3 with numerous fixes. DOWNLOAD MPS 2022.3.2 See the full list of issues fixed in 2022.3.2 here. One improvement that’s worth a separate mention is: Filter comm
The Release Candidate for MPS 2024.1 is now available for download. Grab it and experience the new functionality before the final 2024.1 release. DOWNLOAD MPS 2024.1 RC You can learn about the new fea
To incorporate critical security updates, we have just released three essential bug-fix releases – MPS 2023.2.1, 2023.3.1, and 2024.1 EAP2. We urge you to read the security blog post describing the r
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