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Configurez le moteur de débogage et démarrez avec les scénarios de débogage PHP dans PhpStorm.
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Alt + Enter
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + Shift + A
F2 / Shift + F2
Double Shift
Ctrl + Shift + A
Alt + Enter
F2 / Shift + F2
Ctrl + E
Explore trends in the PHP ecosystem based on the State of Developer Ecosystem Report 2024 by JetBrains.
Welcome to the January edition of PHP Annotated! This recap is carefully handcrafted and brings you the most interesting developments in the PHP community over the past couple of months, so you don’t
.env files are widely used to configure applications by storing configuration settings, environment variables, and sensitive information. This eliminates the need to hardcode these values into the app
Support for PHP 8.4, xdebug_notify(), Pest 3.0, and Pest parallel and mutation testing, new features in JetBrains AI Assistant, and more!
Welcome to the October edition of PHP Annotated! This recap is carefully handcrafted and brings you the most interesting developments in the PHP community over the past couple of months, so you don’t
We’re opening the EAP for the PhpStorm 2024.3 that will have native support of PHP 8.4.
Welcome to the September edition of PHP Annotated! After a brief summer break, we’re back with all things PHP. This recap is carefully handcrafted and brings you the most interesting developments in t
Discover the latest trends in Laravel for 2024. Explore the most popular code editors, PHP versions, debugging approaches, and the expanding Laravel ecosystem.