CLion 2023.2 Help

Icons and symbols

While working in CLion, you can see various icons all around the UI. For most of them, you can get a tooltip description by hovering over an icon, for example:

Icon tooltip

However, there are some icons in the following UI areas that may not have tooltips: Structure View, Breadcrumbs, or one of the Hierarchy Views (Call, Method, or Imports Hierarchy).

Structure, Hierarchy, and Breadcrumbs Icons

Elements in Structure View, Call Hierarchy or Method Hierarchy can also have visibility indicators: private App nodes c private, protected App nodes c protected, or public App nodes c public.

App icons expui code assistant struct

- Struct/Class

App icons expui code assistant global

- Global variable

App icons expui code assistant field

- Struct/Class field

App icons expui code assistant enum

- Enumeration

App icons expui code assistant function

- Function

App icons expui code assistant enum const

- Enumeration value

App icons expui code assistant function abstract

- Pure virtual function

App icons expui code assistant namespace

- Namespace

App icons expui code assistant union

- Union

App icons expui code assistant type

- Typedef

App icons expui group qualified name

-Grouped qualified names

Last modified: 23 September 2023