JetBrains CodeCanvas 2024.2 Help

What's New


Changes in installation Helm chart

The CodeCanvas Helm chart in 2024.2 has no changes compared to 2024.1. There is no need to update the values.yaml file before upgrading.

Multi-repository support

Now, you can specify multiple repositories for a dev environment template. Each repository is opened in a separate IDE tab on dev environment start. Learn more

Improved Visual Studio Code support

You can now use VS Code in dev environments with no additional configuration. Learn more

GPU support

You can now enable GPU support for dev environments. Learn more

Migrate users from external sources

You can now migrate and then synchronize users from external sources. To do this, use the /user-sync API endpoint. Learn more

Convert inactive volumes to snapshots

To avoid the costs of storing inactive dev environment volumes, you can convert them to snapshots stored in a cheaper object storage. Learn more

Migration from computing platform

You can now migrate instance types and templates from one computing platform (a Kubernetes cluster that runs dev environments) to another. Learn more

Improved IDE plugin installation

You can now pre-install IDE plugins to dev environments by specifying the plugin IDs in the dev environment template. Learn more

Recover dev environments

You can now recover failed dev environments. During recovery, CodeCanvas creates a new dev environment container and re-downloads the IDE. Learn more

Authenticate in Docker registries via credential helpers

If your dev environments use Docker images from private registries that require authentication, you can now authenticate in these registries via credential helpers. Currently, CodeCanvas supports credential helpers for registries hosted in AWS ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry) and GCR (Google Container Registry). Learn more

Run dev environments under non-root user

You can now run dev environments under a non-root user. This feature is available for dev environments that use custom Docker images. Learn more

Use warm-up snapshots built for another branch

If you create a dev environment for a custom branch that has no warm-up snapshot, CodeCanvas will now use a snapshot built for the branch specified in the dev environment template. Learn more

View template history of changes

You can now view the history of changes for a dev environment template. Learn more

Improved script support

Before: To run a warm-up or lifecycle script, you had to create a script file in the project repository and specify the script file path in the dev environment template.

Now: You can specify the script directly in the dev environment template. Learn more

Override worker pod template

You can now define a worker pod template for an instance type. This template overrides the default worker pod template set in the computing platform settings. Learn more

Multiple minor improvements

This release includes multiple bug fixes, performance improvements, and usability enhancements.


Initial release

This is the first release of the product.

Last modified: 18 September 2024