JetBrains CodeCanvas


Last modified: 28 August 2024

A namespace is a logical entity that groups together related resources like Git repositories, secrets, dev environment templates, and other settings. All work in CodeCanvas is done within namespaces. Think of a namespace as a container for all the resources that are related to a specific project or team. For example, you might have a namespace for your team's project with the project's Git repository, a dev environment template (with the specific Docker image, tooling, and environment variables), and project secrets (like API keys or database passwords). Learn more about how ordinary users access namespace resources

After the CodeCanvas installation, you should:

  1. Create namespaces for the organization's projects.

    You can do it yourself or allow other users in the organization to create namespaces. See Namespace creation policies.

  2. Assign a namespace administrator.

    The namespace administrator is responsible for managing the namespace and its preliminary configuration: connecting repositories, creating dev environment templates, and so on.