Datalore 2023.4 Help

Team plan

Datalore Team plan is a product bought using a commercial account to obtain multiple Datalore licenses in a single purchase. Unlike the individual plans (Community and Professional), this plan is an option specifically designed for organizations.

Plan overview

This is a seat-based plan, which means that the subscription price will be determined by the number of users you want included in your team. When registering a team, you specify the number of users that you can add once you're signed in as the team owner.

Team owner

Team owner (Team plan license holder) is a customer who purchased a Team plan and whose email is associated with the respective license. As a team owner, you can do the following:

  • Add more members to the team, or remove team members, using the team owner interface (Account settings | Team)

  • Top up Datalore credits to boost computational resources

  • Access and manage team workspaces

Default conditions
  • All team members use one shared bucket of Datalore credits

  • 750 free CPU S hours per user, shared

  • 20 GB of disk space per user, shared

  • Workspaces and notebooks shared across the team

Other conditions
  • Existing Datalore accounts (Community or Professional plan) cannot be used when registering team members.

  • All artifacts of deleted users (workspaces, notebooks, reports, etc.) are deleted too. To keep the artifacts, the team owner downloads required objects. This procedure is described further in this article.

Team plan subscription and Team plan trial compared

Before signing up for a paid Team plan, you can check out a free trial. You can compare the two options in the table below.


Paid subscription

Free trial

Number of users

Min 3 users

Max 3 users

Plan duration

Min 1 month

Option to buy a 1-year license

14 days

Basic machine hours per user

*Total amount is shared across the team



Datalore credits

Can be purchased by team owner

Default 5 units, no purchase option

Storage space per user (GB)

*Total amount is shared across the team



Purchase a Team plan

To purchase a Team plan, do the following:

  1. Go to the Team plan purchase form page.

  2. Click the Sign up button. This will forward you to the purchase request page.

  3. Provide your name.

  4. Provide your company email. Only business emails can be used for registering a team. This email will be associated with your Datalore account as the team owner.

  5. Specify the number of team users.

  6. Select whether you want to schedule a demo, get information in pricing or other types of information.

  7. Click the Submit Request button.

    You will receive a notification sent to the provided email.

  8. In the notification email, click the link to finish registration. You will be forwarded to the Complete registration page of Datalore.

  9. Provide a password and click Complete registration to create a team owner account.

Your Team plan license is activated with your email used to register you as the team owner.

Sign up for a Team plan trial

A 14-day Team plan trial allows you to sign up a team of up to three people. To sign up, do the following:

  1. Go to the Team plan purchase form page.

  2. Click Get a free 14-day trial to expand the form.

  3. Provide the company email. Only company emails can be used for registration.

  4. Provide the company name.

  5. Expand the country list and select your option.

  6. Select the types of emails you want to receive from JetBrains.

  7. Click the Get it now button.

    You will receive a notification sent to the provided email.

  8. In the notification email, click the link to finish registration. You will be forwarded to the Complete registration page of Datalore.

  9. Provide a password and click Complete registration to create a team owner account.

Manage your team and team workspaces

As a team owner, you can add and delete team members, and manage team workspaces.

Add members to your team

  1. Go to Account settings | Team. If you have not added members yet, you can only see your user (labeled as Owner)on the list of team members.

  2. Click the Add member button.

  3. In the Add a member dialog, provide the email of the user you want to invite and click the Add button.

After the procedure is completed, the user received an invitation email sent to the provided email. Once this user follows the instructions in the email and gets signed in to Datalore, you can see the respective username added to the team member list on Team.

Delete a team member

  1. Go to Account settings | Team.

  2. On the team member list, click the ellipsis icon for the user you want to delete and select Delete.

  3. In the confirmation dialog, click the Delete button.

Manage team workspaces

As a team owner, you can access workspaces created by your team members with edit rights.

  1. On the Home page, click the arrow next to the workspace name.

  2. Select a workspace from under Team workspaces.

  3. In the selected workspace:

Download artifacts when deleting a team member

To keep artifacts of a team member you want to delete, the team owner downloads the required objects.

  1. Open the workspace owned by the team member you want to delete.

  2. To download a notebook, do the following:

    1. Under Notebooks, right-click the notebook you want to keep.

    2. Select an export option from the popup menu:

      • Export .html

      • Export .ipynb

      • Export .zip

      • Export .py

  3. To download the workspace, do the following:

    1. Click Settings at the bottom of the left-hand menu.

    2. Under Settings, click Download workspace as .zip.

Purchase Datalore credits

Buy Datalore credits via JetStore to use more machine options for your team.

  1. Click the avatar icon in the upper-right corner of the screen and select the Billing option.

  2. On the Billing tab, click Top up credits located under Credit status.

  3. In the eStore Order Checkout dialog, do the following:

    1. Specify the number of Datalore credits in the Quantity field.

    2. (Optional) To apply a discount code, click Have a discount code, provide the code, and click the APPLY DISCOUNT button.

    3. Provide your personal information by filling in the respective fields under Licensee information.

    4. Select a payment method and proceed with the payment accordingly.

    5. Select the checkbox to consent to the purchase and service terms.

    6. Click the ORDER AND PAY button to place the order.

For more details about machine options see CPU and GPU machine options.

Last modified: 28 August 2023