Use scheduling to run your notebooks at selected intervals (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly). With this feature, you can have your data processed and reports updated regularly.
ImportantThe feature is not available to Community plan users. Upgrade to Pro plan to use scheduling for your notebooks.
Follow the instruction below to schedule runs for your notebook.
Open the notebook in the editor.
Select Main menu | Run | Schedule runs to open the schedule dialog.
Click Add new schedule.
In the Create schedule for [notebook_name], select a time interval and configure it:
If Hourly is selected, set the minute mark in Minutes.
If Daily is selected, set the exact time in Time and select a time zone.
If Weekly is selected, select a day from the Weekday list, set the exact time, and select a time zone.
If Monthly is selected, specify the day of the month in Day, set the exact time, and select a time zone.
(Optional) Alternatively, you can click Switch to cron string to set up the time interval using cron expressions.
Under Advanced settings, select one or more of the following options:
Under Machine options, choose a behavior for situations when no spot machine is available. The default option is skipping the run. Alternatively, you can choose to wait for an available spot machine within a specified timeout or use an on-demand machine (if you have Datalore credits). Find more details on spot and on-demand machines in CPU and GPU machine options.
Update the report after each successful run (available for already published reports)
Notify users of each successful run by email. You can choose from the list of invited collaborators.
Notify users of each failed run by email. You can choose from the list of invited collaborators.
(Optional) Provide parameters for your schedule based on the variables used in the Interactive controls:
Switch to the Parameters tab.
Click the Add new parameter. You will see the Specify parameter dialog.
Click Select variable to expand the dropdown. This list contains all the variables used in the interactive controls for this notebook.
Select a variable and provide a value. Depending on the interactive control using this value, you can either enter a value or select one of the provided options.
Click Specify to add the parameter and close the dialog.
(Optional) Repeat the steps above to add another parameter.
Click Apply to save the created schedule.
Open the Run & Schedule for [notebook_name] notebook dialog:
From the Home page: select Scheduled notebooks on the left-hand side menu and select the notebook that you want to view.
This option is available for all of your workspaces. To switch from your default Home workspace to another, click the arrow icon next to Home and select the required workspace.
From the editor: open the notebook that you want to view and go to Main menu | Run | Schedule runs.
You can do the following:
To sort run records by run date or status, click the respective column header.
To view errors in failed runs, hover over Error for the respective run.
To view the static representation of a run in Datalore, click the ellipsis for the respective run and select View run.
To delete a run, click the ellipsis for the respective record and select Delete run. This will stop the respective computation immediately without waiting for it to finish.
To delete all runs, right-click any run in the list and select Delete all from the menu.
To get a .zip file with run artefacts, click Download in the Run results column. The downloaded file contains the notebook version that was run and the attachments (files generated by code).
Keep in mind that downloadable run results take up your storage space. We suggest that you do the following:
Select short intervals only when it is really necessary, because each run produces artifacts.
Delete runs that you no longer need.
To edit a schedule, do the following:
Open the Run & Schedule for [notebook_name] notebook dialog as instructed in the procedure above.
Switch to the Schedules tab. You will see the list of the schedules created for this notebook.
To turn off a schedule, use the toggle next to the schedule name.
Alternatively, you can select this option from the popup menu invoked by clicking the ellipsis for the respective schedule.
To edit a schedule, click the respective item on the list to open the Change schedule for [notebook_title] notebook dialog, make the required changes, and click the Apply button.
To delete a schedule, click the ellipsis for the respective item on the list and select Delete run from the popup menu.
You can explicitly stop the machine for a scheduled run.
Click the avatar in the upper right corner and select Running machines.
Click Stop for the computation created for the scheduled run that you want to stop.

A popup message box will notify you that Datalore stopped the respective computation.
On the Home page, select Scheduled notebooks on the left-hand side menu.
On the list, click the ellipsis in the row containing the required notebook.
Select Turn off all schedules from the popup menu.

Cloud version limitationsCommunity plan
Active schedules: 1
Shortest interval between runs: 1 day
Parallel computations limit respected
Professional plan
Shortest interval between runs: 10 minutes