Datalore 2024.5 Help

Datalore plans

Cloud plans

Currently, Datalore offers the following plans:


Cloud Free



  • Unlimited notebooks with real-time collaboration

  • Coding assistance for Python and other languages

  • Running two notebooks in parallel

  • One workspace to share (with view access only)

  • Sharing notebooks (with view access only)

  • One interactive shareable report

  • Notebook export functionality

  • Notebook API

  • On-the-fly environment customization

  • All Cloud Free features

  • Datalore AI

  • Running unlimited notebooks in parallel

  • Reactive mode

  • Version history

  • Unlimited database connections and SQL queries

  • Unlimited interactive shareable reports

  • Unlimited workspaces to share

  • Unlimited scheduled notebooks

  • Team management

Computation and storage

  • 120 CPU S machine hours

  • 10 GB of cloud storage

  • 750 CPU L machine hours per team member

  • 6 Datalore credits per team member for computations on advanced CPUs and GPUs

  • 20 GB of cloud storage plus other cloud storage support

  • Access to all powerful CPUs and GPUs

  • Background computations


Individual users, beginner data specialists

Individual users and teams, advanced data analysts

Visit our landing page to view the full plan comparison table.

Cloud trial

Before signing up for the Cloud plan, we suggest that you sign up for a free trial. The Cloud trial has limited Cloud plan functionality. To compare the two options, refer to the table below.



Cloud trial

Number of users


Max 3 users

Plan duration

Min 1 month

Option to buy a 1-year license

14 days

Basic machine

CPU L, 750 hours per team member, total amount available across the team

CPU S, 120 hours per team

Datalore credits

Default 6 units, can be purchased by team admin


Cloud storage space(GB)

20 per user

10 per team

Computations running in parallel


Max 2

Background computation



Scheduled runs


Max 2, with at least a 24-hour interval


If you want to use a self-hosted Datalore version installed on your infrastructure or on a dedicated instance managed by JetBrains, consider the On-Premises (previously called Enterprise) option. This option offers the following:

  • All Datalore features unlimited, plus additional interface for administrating and operating your Datalore instance

  • Internal plans set up and customized by you

  • Your full control over computational resources and storage capacities

Find all instructions on installing and operating Datalore On-Premises in this section.

Archived plans

The table below contains Datalore plans that were offered and active until version 2023.4.


Transition options

Community (free individual plan)

Community plan users are automatically moved to the Cloud Free plan for a period of 14 days, which unlocks all Cloud plan functionality.

After the end of the trial period, unless they upgrade to Cloud, such users are moved to the Cloud Free plan (similar to the Community plan).

When transitioned to Cloud trial, resource limitations are retained.

Professional (paid individual plan)

Professional plan users receive a notification about the new plans with the option to upgrade to the new paid Cloud plan.

Alternatively, they can choose to stay on the Professional plan, which will continue to be supported for those who have already subscribed.

Team (paid team plan)

Team plan users are automatically moved to the paid Cloud plan.

Enterprise (previous name of On-Premises)

Not applicable

Last modified: 24 September 2024