Datalore 2024.5 Help

Manage trashed notebooks

Instead of deleting a notebook or a folder, you move it to Trash.

Access and manage Trash

Each workspace has its own Trash storage for deleted notebooks. You can access this storage if this is one of the workspaces you own or a workspace shared with you with edit access.

  1. Select Other from the menu of the expanded workspace.

    Selecting Other option
  2. In Other, switch to the Trash tab. This will open the list of trash notebooks.

    Workspace trash

Manage trashed items

  • (Optional) To empty the Trash list, click the Empty trash button in the upper right corner.

  • To remove or restore a trashed notebook, right-click the item and select one of the options:

    • Restore: to move the item from Trash to the workspace's Notebooks list.

    • Remove: to delete the item from the file system permanently

Managing trashed items


Home page, Datalore overview, about Datalore, Datalore basic information, delete notebooks, remove notebooks, bin

Last modified: 29 April 2024