DataSpell 2024.3 Help

Services tool window

The Services tool window enables you to manage various services that help you during software development, such as run/debug configurations, application servers, database sessions, and Docker connections. Plugin developers can add other services through the IntelliJ platform API.

The main toolbar contains the following buttons and menus that are common for all service types:

The Expand All button

Expand All Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all items in the list.

The Collapse All button

Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all items in the list.

The Group By menu

Group By

Choose how you want to organize the list of services:

  • Group Services by Type: arrange services by type, such as Run Dashboard, Docker, or Database

  • Service Groups: arrange services by group, such as a build tool or a data source name

The Filter menu


Choose how you want to filter the list of services.

The Open in New Tab button

Open in New Tab

Move the selected items to a separate tab.

The Add Service menu

Add Service Alt+Insert

Choose a service type to add.

Configure Services tool window

You can adjust the layout of the Services tool window by moving services to their own separate tool windows (right-click a service and select Open in New Tab).

You can also configure it in a dedicated dialog.

  1. In the Services tool window, click and select Configure Services Tool Window.

    Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+A and start typing Configure Services Tool Window.

  2. Use the Exclude and Include buttons to move services from the Services tool window to a separate tool window and vice versa. Configurations from the Run/Debug section don't have their own tool windows — instead, they appear in the Run or Debug tool window when they are not included in the Services tool window.

Run/debug configurations

Run/debug configurations are not listed in the Services tool window by default. You need to explicitly specify the types of configurations you want to be available and create the corresponding configurations.

Add Run/Debug configurations to the Services window

  1. Select View | Tool Windows | Services from the main menu or press Alt+8.

  2. In the Services tool window, click Add service, then select Run Configuration Type.

    Services tool window: Add run configuration
  3. Select a run/debug configuration type from the list to add all configurations of this type to the window.

    Note that the tool window will only display the configuration types for which you have created one or more configurations.

Buttons on the toolbar depend on the selected type of the run/debug configuration and can include the following:

The Run button

Run Ctrl+Shift+F10

Run the selected configuration.

The Debug button

Debug ⌃ ⇧ D

Run the selected configuration in Debug mode.

The Stop button

Stop Ctrl+F2

Stop the selected configuration.

The Rerun button

Rerun Ctrl+Shift+F10

Rerun the selected configuration.

The Rerun in Debug Mode button

Rerun in Debug Mode ⌃ ⇧ D

Rerun the selected configuration in Debug mode.

The Filters menu


Filter the output for the selected configuration. For example, you can select to show warnings and successful steps.

The More menu


Additional actions related to the configuration. For example, you can open and modify the settings of the selected configuration.

Application servers

All types of application server run/debug configurations are available in the Services tool window by default. Create an application server configuration, and it will be available in the list of services.




The Run button

Run Ctrl+Shift+F10

Run the selected application server configuration.

The Rerun button

Rerun Ctrl+Shift+F10

Restart the selected application server configuration.

The Debug button

Debug ⌃ ⇧ D

Debug the selected application server configuration.

The Stop button

Stop Ctrl+F2

Stop the selected application server configuration.

The Deploy All button

Deploy All

Deploy all artifacts of the selected application server configuration.

The Artifacts button


Configure which artifacts to deploy for the selected application server configuration.

The Update Running Application button

Update Running Application Ctrl+F10

Update a running application after modifying the source code.

Database service

Database services in the Services tool window
  1. Main toolbar.

  2. Left toolbar.

  3. Context menu.

  4. Output tab.

  5. Result tab.

  6. Right toolbar.

Left toolbar

Buttons on the toolbar depend on the selected item and can include the following:


Action and shortcut


The Jump to Console button

Jump to Query Console Ctrl+Shift+F10

Open the Query Consoles popup. In the Query Consoles popup, you can select a query console that you want to open in the editor.

the Deactivate icon

Deactivate Ctrl+F2

Close the database connection for the selected data source or data sources. (The data sources with connected sessions are indicated with a green dot in the corner of their icon.)


Transaction Mode


Transaction Isolation

Select the isolation level for database transactions and the way the transactions are committed.

  • Auto: the current transaction is committed automatically when you submit your local changes to the database server.

  • Manual: the changes submitted to the database server are accumulated in a transaction that can either be committed or rolled back explicitly by means of the Submit and Commit (the Submit and Commit icon) or Roll Back (the Roll Back button) buttons on the toolbar.

For more information about database transaction modes and isolation, refer to Submit changes to a database.

the Commit icon


(For the Manual transaction mode.) Commit the current transaction. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction mode and isolation.

the Roll back icon

Roll back

(For the Manual transaction mode.) Roll back changes. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction modes and isolation.

the Cancel Running Statements icon

Cancel Running Statements


Terminate execution of the current statement or statements.

Context menu

Actions of the context menu depend on the selected item and can include the following:


Action and shortcut


The Jump to Console button

Jump to Query Console Ctrl+Shift+F10

Open the Query Consoles popup. In the Query Consoles popup, you can select a query console that you want to open in the editor.

the Deactivate icon

Deactivate Ctrl+F2

Close the database connection for the selected data source or data sources. (The data sources with connected sessions are indicated with a green dot in the corner of their icon.)

Close All Sessions

Close all opened sessions to a data source.

Open in New Tab

Move the selected items to a separate tab.

Open Each in New Tab

Split the selected items into separate tabs.

Open Each Type in New Tab

Create separate tabs for each type of service.

Delete Delete

Close all opened sessions to a data source. Identical to Close All Sessions.


Transaction Mode


Transaction Isolation

Select the isolation level for database transactions and the way the transactions are committed.

  • Auto: the current transaction is committed automatically when you submit your local changes to the database server.

  • Manual: the changes submitted to the database server are accumulated in a transaction that can either be committed or rolled back explicitly by means of the Submit and Commit (the Submit and Commit icon) or Roll Back (the Roll Back button) buttons on the toolbar.

For more information about database transaction modes and isolation, refer to Submit changes to a database.

the Commit icon


(For the Manual transaction mode.) Commit the current transaction. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction mode and isolation.

the Roll back icon

Roll back

(For the Manual transaction mode.) Roll back changes. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction modes and isolation.

the Cancel Running Statements icon

Cancel Running Statements


Terminate execution of the current statement or statements.

Close Session

Close the selected session.

Switch session

Attach the selected file to one of the available sessions. To detach the file from a session, open the file in the editor, click the <session> list and select Detach Session.

Open in New Tab

Move the selected items to a separate tab.

Open Each in New Tab

Split the selected items into separate tabs.

Open Each Type in New Tab

Create separate tabs for each type of service.

Delete Delete

Close all opened sessions to a data source. Identical to Close All Sessions.

the Jump to Source button

Jump to Source F4

Open the file in the editor.

Output tab

Use the Output tab of Services tool window to view information about SQL statements and other operations that you performed in a query console. Also, the Output tab displays information about errors, timestamps, affected rows, query duration, the autocommit mode, and other operations.

The Output tab

Right toolbar




the Soft-wrap icon


Wrap long lines of text.

the Scroll to End icon

Scroll to End

Scroll the output log to the end.

the Print icon


Print a query console file, a selected text, or all the files in a directory.

the Clear All icon

Clear All

Clear the Output tab.

Context menu



Copy Copy

Copy the selected text.

Copy Path/Reference

Copy a reference link to a file or a line.

Compare with clipboard Compare with Clipboard

Open the Clipboard vs Editor dialog where you can see the diff between the selected text and the text that you copied to a clipboard.

Search with Google

Open a browser and run a search on Google for the selected text.

Fold Lines Like This

Fold the lines that include the selected text.

Pause Output

Pause the output logging.

Delete Clear All

Clear the output log.

Result tab

Use the Result tab of Services tool window to see the data that was retrieved from the database in a table format. You can sort, add, edit, and remove data as well as perform other associated table tasks. For more information about working with tables, rows, columns, and cells, refer to Tables.

Result tab in the Services tool window

Most of the functions in the Result tab are accessed by using controls on the toolbar, context menu commands for the data cells, and associated keyboard shortcuts. You can see what other actions with tables you can perform in Tables.

Toolbar controls


Action and shortcut


First page

Previous page

the Change page size button

Next page

Last page

First Page

Previous Page Ctrl+Alt+Up

Change page size

Next Page Ctrl+Alt+Down

Last Page

Use navigation icons and corresponding commands for switching between pages that show the retrieved data and change the page size.

A number of rows that you see on the Result tab are referred to as a result set page. If this number is less than the number of rows that satisfy the query, only a subset of all the rows is shown at a time. If all the rows are currently shown, navigation icons and the corresponding commands are inactive. You can see the limit between the navigation buttons. You can change it here by clicking and selecting the necessary limit or in settings.

  • First page: jump to the first page of results.

  • Previous page: go to the previous page of results.

  • Next page: go to the next page of results.

  • Last page: jump to the last page of results.

To change the size of a result set page, click the Change page size button and select the size. Alternatively, open settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) and navigate to Tools | Database | Data Editor and Viewer. In the Limit page size to field, type a new size of a result set page. Alternatively, to disable the page size restriction, clear the Limit page size to checkbox.

the Reload Page icon

Reload Page


Reload data for the table view to synchronize the data that you see in the editor with the contents of the database. Also, use the Reload Page button when you want to apply a new page size limit setting after its change.

the Update Interval icon

Update Interval

Select, pause, or disable update interval for the current table. You can also set a custom one.

the Cancel Running Statements icon

Cancel Running Statements


Terminate execution of the current statement or statements.

the Add Row icon

Add Row


Add a row to the table.

To save a new row, click Submit button (the Submit button).

The Add Row button is disabled in the inappropriate context. For example, if the current table does not permit adding rows.

For more information about working with rows, refer to Rows.

the Delete Row icon

Delete Row


Delete the selected row or rows.

To select multiple rows, click numbers in the gutter. Also, you can press Ctrl and click the necessary rows.

The Delete Row button is disabled in the inappropriate context. For example, if the current table does not permit removing rows.

the Revert Selected button

Revert Selected


Revert changes that you made to a cell value. You can select a scope of different cells and revert values in this scope.

For more information about reverting changes, refer to Submit changes to a database.

the Preview Pending Changes icon

Preview Pending Changes

Preview DML of changes that you made to the table.

the Submit button



Submit local changes to the database server. For more information about submitting and reverting changes, refer to Submit changes to a database.

Transaction mode

Transaction Mode


Transaction Isolation

Select the isolation level for database transactions and the way the transactions are committed.

  • Auto: the current transaction is committed automatically when you submit your local changes to the database server.

  • Manual: the changes submitted to the database server are accumulated in a transaction that can either be committed or rolled back explicitly by means of the Submit and Commit (the Submit and Commit icon) or Roll Back (the Roll Back button) buttons on the toolbar.

For more information about database transaction modes and isolation, refer to Submit changes to a database.

the Submit and Commit icon

Submit and CommitCtrl+Alt+Shift+Enter

(For the Manual transaction mode.) Submit and commit the current transaction. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction mode and isolation.

the Roll Back icon

Roll Back

(For the Manual transaction mode.) Roll back changes. This button is available only for the manual transaction mode. See also, transaction modes and isolation.

the Pin icon

Pin Tab

Pin the tab to the tool window to keep the query result.

For more information about pinning tabs, refer to Pin the tab with query results.

Data Extractor

Data Extractors

Select an output format for your data. For the list of available formats and full information about data extractors, refer to the Data extractors topic.

Also, you can configure the following options:

  • Skip Computed Columns: do not include virtual columns that are not physically stored in the table (for example, the identity column).

  • Skip Generated Columns: for INSERT and UPDATE statements, do not include auto-increment fields when copying or saving data.

  • Configure CSV Formats: open the CSV Formats dialog where you can manage your delimiter-separated values formats (for example, CSV, TSV).

  • Go To Scripts Directory: open a directory with scripts that convert table data into different output formats.

For more information about data extractors, refer to the Data extractors topic.

the Export Data icon

Export Data

Export the table data to the clipboard or save to a file.

the Copy to Database icon

Copy to Database

Copy the data to another table, schema or database. Select the target schema (a new table will be created) or table (the data will be added to the selected table). In the dialog that opens, specify the data mapping info and the settings for the target table.

the Compare Data icon

Compare Data

Compare the current table with a table from the list.

For more information about comparing tables, refer to Compare table data.

the View as icon

View as

Select the mode for browsing and editing table data.

  • Transpose: viewing mode in which rows and columns are interchanged. You can combine this checkbox with other viewing modes.

    To make this mode a default for tables and views, open settings by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S and navigate to Tools | Database | Data Editor and Viewer. . From the Automatically transpose tables list, select Always. When this option is enabled, query results are not transposed.

  • Table: the default viewing mode of table data. Data in a table is stored in a cell that is an intersection of a vertical column and horizontal row.

  • Tree: viewing mode in which data is displayed in the key-value table with the possibility to expand the key cell if it contains children nodes. Data from the expanded children node is distributed between key and value columns. You might consider using this mode to work with JSON and array data.

  • Text: viewing mode in which data is displayed as a text.

For more information about viewing data, refer to View data.

the Show Options Menu icon

Show Options Menu

The Show Options Menu list includes the following options:

  • Show Geo Viewer: enable a graphic viewer to explore geospatial data in your database.

    For more information about the Geo viewer, refer to Using Geo viewer for geographical data in PostgreSQL.

  • Show Value Editor: open a separate editor where you can edit data that is stored in the cell.

    For more information about the editor, refer to Value editor.

  • Show Aggregate View: open the aggregate view where you can select values of multiple cells and get a single summary value.

    For more information about the view, refer to Aggregate view.

  • Paste Format: select how you want to treat the text from the clipboard on paste.

  • Reset View: restore the initial table view if you customized the table view before (for example, hidden columns or sorted data).

  • View Query: view the query that generated the table.

  • Copy Query to Console: copy the query that generated the table to query console.

  • Open Data View Settings...: open the Data Editor and Viewer section in settings, where you can define how table data are shown and modified in your query consoles and data editors.

    For more information about the Data Editor and Viewer settings section, refer to Data editor and viewer.

Context menu

You can find all basic actions for working with cells under the context menu. To call the context menu, right-click the cell that you want to modify. The following table lists all the actions.

Context menu of a cell in data editor






Edit a value in the selected cell or cells. Alternatively, you can double-click the cell and start typing a value. The Edit command is unavailable for read-only values.

  • To open the auto-completion list, press Ctrl+Space.

  • To confirm your changes, press Enter.

  • To cancel editing, press Escape.

For more information about editing cells, refer to Cells.

the Open in Value Editor icon Open in Value Editor


Open in a separate value editor where you can edit data that is stored in the cell.

For more information about the editor, refer to Value editor.

the Show Aggregate View icon Show Aggregate View

Open the aggregate view where you can select values of multiple cells and get a single summary value.

For more information about the view, refer to Aggregate view.

the Revert Selected button Revert Selected


Revert changes that you made to a cell value. You can select a scope of different cells and revert values in this scope.

For more information about reverting changes, refer to Submit changes to a database.

Set Highlighting Language

Select a language that the IDE should use to highlight data in a cell.

Change Display Type

Select how the IDE should display binary data in the column. 16-byte data is displayed as UUID by default.



Set the current cell value to the default value or the value that you specified for the column.

For more information about viewing or set a default value, refer to Manage default and NULL values for a cell.



Set the current cell value to NULL.

For more information about allowing a NULL value, refer to Manage default and NULL values for a cell.

Generate UUID

Generates the UUID for the selected cell.

Load File

Load a file into the field.

Save LOB

For the cells that contain a binary large object (LOB). Save content of a cell into a file.

the Copy icon Copy


Copy selection to the clipboard.

the Copy Aggregation Result (SUM) icon Copy Aggregation Result (SUM)

Copy a summary value for a range of cells. By default, DataSpell copies the SUM aggregation result. To change the default, right-click the status bar and ensure that the Aggregator option is selected. Click the aggregator widget on the status bar and select the aggregator to use as default.

the Paste icon Paste


Paste the contents of clipboard into the table.

Add Row

Add a row to the end of a table.

Delete Row


Delete selected rows.

Clone Row

Create a duplicate of the selected row and adds the duplicate to the end of a table.

Go To

Navigation Bar

Jump to a navigation bar.


Open the selected object in the Database tool window.

Related Symbol

Navigate to one of the related objects.


Open an object definition (DDL).



Jump to a specified row.

In the Go to Row dialog, specify the column and row number (use the column:row pattern).

the Related Rows icon Related Rows


Navigates to the related records:

  • Records that the current record references.

  • Records that reference the current record.

If more than one record is referenced or referencing the current one, select the target record in the popup that appears.

The action is not available if there are no related records.

For more information about related data, refer to Navigate between related rows.

For more information about action behavior options, refer to Advanced Settings.

the Open URL icon Open URL


Opens URL in OS default browser.

Requires the links opening URL Click Settings enabled in the Tools | Database | Data Editor and Viewer settings page  Ctrl+Alt+S.

the Open File icon Open File


Open file URI in OS default file browser. For example, file:///Users/Username/image.png.

Requires the links opening URL Click Settings enabled in the Tools | Database | Data Editor and Viewer settings page  Ctrl+Alt+S.

Filter by

Select a filter that you want to a column.

Full-Text Search


Open a search window where you can search for data in your database or a group of databases.

Export Table to Clipboard

Copy the whole table to the clipboard. This action does not depend on Limit page size to setting.

Switch Session

Open a window to select another session or create a new one. For more information about sessions, refer to Sessions.

Quick Documentation


Show information about selected objects. For different database objects, Quick Documentation shows corresponding information. For example, for a group of cells, you will see a summary for the selection. You can preview it in a regular or in a transposed view and also see the related records by their foreign keys.

Productivity tips

Use tabs

The Services tool window can include a lot of services, which you can group according to their type or create separate tabs for your own custom grouping. For example, you can create a tab that will include the following: the run configuration for the application that you are developing, the Docker container that runs the database used as a backend for your application, and a console for accessing the database.

Hide the services tree

Click The Show Options Menu button in the right part of the Services tool window toolbar and then click Show Services Tree to remove the checkbox. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+T to toggle the services tree.

If you hide the services tree, it is replaced by a services navigation bar. Press Alt+Home to focus the services navigation bar.

Hide, remove, and delete services

Right-click any service and select Delete Delete to completely remove the corresponding run configuration, cloud provider, Docker connection, and so on.

If you don't want to show run/debug configurations of a certain type in the Services tool window, right-click the corresponding configuration and select Remove Configuration Type from Services. This will not remove the actual configuration.

To hide a specific run configuration from the Services tool window, right-click the corresponding configuration and select Hide Configuration. To see all hidden run configurations, click the Add Service menu and select Restore Hidden Configurations.

Last modified: 04 December 2024