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Open and close assemblies

Last modified: 11 February 2024

With dotPeek, you can open any .NET assemblies, decompile and explore their contents. Assemblies can be decompiled and presented as C# code, IL code, or original source code can be fetched from local or remote location using PDB files and symbol servers. For more information, refer to Presentation options for compiled code.

Supported assembly file types include:

  • Libraries (.dll)

  • Executable files (.exe)

  • Windows 8 metadata files (.winmd)

  • Archives (.zip)

  • NuGet packages (.nupkg)

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions packages (.vsix)

The opened assembly showing its name and version is added to the Assembly Explorer window. You can explore it by expanding the assembly node and its child nodes. Double-click code symbols to decompile and view the corresponding code. For more information, refer to Study code.

As dotPeek does not make any modifications to the opened assemblies, you can close them by removing from the Assembly Explorer window.