Navigate to Covering Tests
ReSharper | Cover | Show Covering Tests
CtrlAlt0K,0T (ReSharper_ShowTestsCoveringEditorContext
dotCover provides a shortcut to detect which unit tests cover a particular statement in your code. In the Visual Studio editor, you can invoke a popup that lists covering tests and navigate directly to any of these tests. Additionally, from this popup you can instantly run them or add to an existing unit test session.
dotCover takes the information on the covering unit tests from the current coverage snapshot. Therefore, in some cases this information may be unavailable, and dotCover cannot perform this navigation:
No coverage snapshot is open. In this case, the corresponding commands in the main and context menus are grayed out.
No unit tests cover the current statement. In this case, the commands are active but the popup will show the following message: No tests cover this statement.
The current snapshot has no per-test data. In this case, the commands are active but the popup will show the following message: Current snapshot does not contain per-test info.
It is obvious that for the code not covered with unit tests, this navigation is impossible. Therefore, you can first highlight covered code and then navigate from the code highlighted as covered.
In the editor, place the caret at a code statement.
Do one of the following:
Press CtrlAlt0K,0T or choose ReSharper | Cover | Show Covering Tests from the main menu .
If the coverage highlighting is enabled, hover over a particular highlighting marker until a tooltip appears, and then click the tooltip.
In the popup that appears, you will see the list of unit tests that cover the statement.
Double-click the desired unit test to open it in the editor.
In the Unit Test Coverage window, find the required class or class member.
In the context menu, select Show Covering Tests.
Double-click the desired unit test to open it in the editor.
In the document, right-click the dotCover shield icon.
Select Show Covering Tests.
Double-click the desired unit test to open it in the editor.
Another navigation destination that you can use to explore code coverage is Locate Code Items in Coverage Tree.