IDE Services 2024.3 Help

Reference OAuth 2.0 configuration

In this section, you can find the configurations required for setting up integration via OAuth 2.0 between your instance of IDE Services and a third-party authentication provider. The setup is performed in both IDE Services and your authentication provider's system.

Set up IDE Services on your authentication provider's side

Start by configuring the integration with IDE Services on the side of your authentication provider. The exact steps will differ depending on your authentication provider.

Configure the following settings:

Redirect URI / Callback URI

Specify the callback endpoint to redirect the end user after authentication.

Example: https://<>/api/login/authenticated

Replace <> with your organization's public server URL. This value has to match the deployment URL set in your server configuration file.

Grant type: Authorization code

If applicable, select Authorization code as the method for obtaining access tokens from the authorization server.

Token endpoint authentication method

If applicable, specify how credentials are included in requests to the token endpoint.

Example: client_post

After setting up IDE Services in your authentication provider's system, save the following data that you will later need to configure the IDE Services Server:

  • Client ID

  • Client secret

    In some systems of authentication providers, you may need to create a client secret manually.

  • Login URL

    You can obtain this URL by requesting the Well-known configuration.

  • Token URL

    You can obtain this URL by requesting the Well-known configuration.

  • JWT certs URL

    You can obtain this URL by requesting the Well-known configuration.

Configure provider details in your server configuration file

Use these examples to configure connection to your authentication server in your server configuration file — application.yaml or values.yaml (for Kubernetes installations.)

tbe: auth: login-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/authorize" token-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/token" jwt-certs-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/keys" client-id: "application_identifier" client-secret: "your_client_secret" required-scopes: [ "profile", "email", "openid"] root-admin-emails: - ""

Provide a URL for logging in via your selected authentication provider.


Provide a URL for obtaining an authorization token on the side of your authentication provider.


Specify a URL to the JSON Web Key (JWK) set that is used to validate JSON Web Tokens (JWT).


Specify a public identifier for IDE Services that you set when configuring your authentication provider.


Specify a secret for IDE Services that you set when configuring your authentication provider.


Define scopes that will be available to IDE Services when accessing a user account.


List emails of users that will receive admin rights.

For a full list of authentication properties, refer to Server configuration file.

ides: config: auth: login-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/authorize" token-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/token" jwt-certs-url: "https://<provider-domain>/oauth2/keys" client-id: "application_identifier" client-secret: "your_client_secret" required-scopes: [ "profile", "email", "openid"] root-admin-emails: - ""

Provide a URL for logging in via your selected authentication provider.


Provide a URL for obtaining an authorization token on the side of your authentication provider.


Specify a URL to the JSON Web Key (JWK) set that is used to validate JSON Web Tokens (JWT).


Specify a public identifier for IDE Services that you set when configuring your authentication provider.


Specify a secret for IDE Services that you set when configuring your authentication provider.


Define scopes that will be available to IDE Services when accessing a user account.


List emails of users that will receive admin rights.

For a full list of authentication properties, refer to Values file.

Last modified: 15 July 2024