toString() Generation Settings dialog
Last modified: 17 March 2022Code | Generate - toString() - Settings
Settings tab
Item | Description |
Use fully qualified class name in code generation ($classname) | If this checkbox is selected, the dumped classnames will include their package names. (The |
Enable getters in code generation ($method) | If this checkbox is selected, the code generator will have See example 2. |
Move caret to the generated method | If this checkbox is selected, the caret scrolls to the generated |
Sort elements | If this checkbox is selected, the members are sorted in the selected order (ascending or descending). |
When method already exists | In this section, choose the default conflict resolution policy:
Where to insert? | In this section, choose the place to insert the generated
Exclude | In this section, select the checkboxes next to the elements to be excluded from the
Templates tab
Use this page to view and manage the list of Velocity templates to be used for the toString()
method generation.
Templates toolbar
Item | Description |
Click this button to create a new entry to the list of available templates. When the new entry is added, create the corresponding template. | |
Click this button to delete the selected user-created entry from the list of available patterns. Note that pre-defined templates cannot be deleted. | |
Click this button to create a copy of an existing template. |
Variables used in Velocity templates
Variable | Returns | Description |
$classname | String | The name of a class (can be qualified classname, if this is selected in the settings). |
$FQClassname | String | @deprecated (use $class.qualifiedName) - The fully qualified name of the class |
$fields | java.util.List | List of FieldElement objects |
$methods | java.util.List | List of MethodElement objects |
$members | java.util.List | List of both FieldElement and MethodElement objects |
$member | Element | The Element object |
$member.accessor | String | The accessor of a field or method. For a field it is |
$member.typeName | String | The classname of the type (Object, String, List etc.) |
$member.typeQualifiedName | String | The qualified classname of the type (java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.uti.List etc.) |
$member.array | boolean | Checks if the type is an array type (either a primitive array or object array). |
$member.primitiveArray | boolean | Checks if the type is a primitive array type (int[], short[], float[] etc.) |
$member.objectArray | boolean | Checks if the type is an Object array type (Object[], String[] etc.). |
$member.stringArray | boolean | Checks if the type is a String array type (String[]) |
$member.collection | boolean | Checks if the type is assignable from java.util.Collection. |
$member.list | boolean | Checks if the type is assignable from java.util.List |
$ | boolean | Checks if the type is assignable from java.util.Map |
$member.set | boolean | Checks if the type is assignable from java.util.Set |
$member.primitive | boolean | Checks if the type is a primitive type (int, char, float etc.) |
$member.modifierStatic | boolean | Does the type have a static modifier? |
$member.modifierPublic | boolean | Does the type have a public modifier? |
$member.modifierProtected | boolean | Does the type have a protected modifier? |
$member.modifierPackageLocal | boolean | Does the type have a package-local modifier? |
$member.modifierPrivate | boolean | Does the type have a private modifier? |
$member.modifierFinal | boolean | Does the type have a final modifier? |
$member.string | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.lang.String? |
$member.numeric | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.lang.Numeric or a primitive type of byte, short, int, long, float, double? |
$member.object | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.lang.Object? |
$ | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.util.Date? |
$member.calendar | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.util.Calendar? |
$member.boolean | boolean | Is the type assignable from java.lang.Boolean or a primitive boolean? |
$field | FieldElement | The FieldElement object |
$ | String | The name of a field. |
$field.modifierTransient | boolean | Does the field have a transient modifier? |
$field.modifierVolatile | boolean | Does the field have a volatile modifier? |
$field.constant | boolean | Is the field a constant type? (has static modifier and its name is in UPPERCASE only) |
$field.matchName(regexp) | boolean | Performs a regular expression matching on a field name. |
$field.enum | boolean | Is this field a enum type? |
$method | MethodElement | The MethodElement object |
$ | String | This variable returns one of the following:
$method.methodName | String | The name of the method (getFoo). |
$method.fieldName | String | The name of the field this getter method covers - null if the method is not a getter for a field |
$method.modifierAbstract | boolean | Is this method an abstract method? |
$method.modifierSynchronized | boolean | Is this method a synchronized method? |
$method.returnTypeVoid | boolean | Is this method a void method (does not return anything) ? |
$method.getter | boolean | Is this a getter method? |
$method.matchName(regexp) | boolean | Performs a regular expression matching on the method name. |
$method.deprecated | boolean | Is this method deprecated? |
$class | ClassElement | The ClassElement object |
$ | String | The name of the class |
$class.matchName(regexp) | boolean | Performs a regular expression matching on the classname. |
$class.qualifiedName | String | The fully qualified name of the class |
$class.hasSuper | boolean | Does the class have a superclass? (extends another class - note extending java.lang.Object is not considered having a superclass) |
$class.superName | String | The name of the superclass (empty if no superclass) |
$class.superQualifiedName | String | The fully qualified name of the superclass (empty if no superclass) |
$class.isImplements("interfaceName") | boolean | Checks if the class implements the given interface. Checking names of several interfaces can be done by separating the names with commas. |
$class.implementNames | String[] | Returns the class names of the interfaces the class implements. An empty array is returned, if the class does not implement any interfaces. |
$class.isExtends("className") | boolean | Checks if the class extends any of the given class names. Chcecking several class names can be done by separating the names with commas. |
$class.exception | boolean | Is this class an exception class (extends Throwable)? |
$class.deprecated | boolean | Is this class deprecated? |
$class.enum | boolean | Is this class an enum class? |
$class.abstract | boolean | Is this class abstract? |
Output variables | The output variables are possible in the Velocity Template (variables are stored in the Velocity Context): Output parameters will be available for the Generate action after the Velocity context has been executed and act upon. | |
$autoImportPackages | String | Packagenames that should automatically be imported. Use comma to separate packagenames. |
Thanks for your feedback!