IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 Help

Java Enterprise tool window

The Java Enterprise tool window lets you look at your project from the Java EE perspective.

The tool window includes a set of panes where the "Java EE contents" of a selected item are shown in a pane to the right. If appropriate, the Javadoc HTML documentation (or, sometimes, a diagram) is shown for an item in the rightmost pane.

The toolbar buttons are used to show or hide categories of items (e.g. the modules or CDI beans), or to change the way the items are shown.

The context menus include commands for switching between the panes (Previous or Next) and opening items in the editor (Edit).

You can filter the information in most of the panes by specifying the corresponding search string.

Toolbar icons

With very few exceptions, the toolbar icons are toggles that can be on or off.

The first two icons (Technologies/Frameworks View and Show Modules) are available always. The rest of the icons appear only for certain Java EE technologies and frameworks (e.g. CDI, WebSocket).



Technologies/Frameworks View

The state of the icon defines the level on which the Java EE technologies and frameworks are shown.

When on, the technologies are shown on the first level (that is in the leftmost pane). In this case, if Show Modules is on, and the modules are shown in the pane to the right, you can select a technology and see, for example, in which modules the selected technology is used.

When off, the technologies are shown on the second level. That is, your modules appear in the leftmost pane, and the technologies in the pane to the right. In this case, you can select a module and see which of the technologies are used in the selected module.

Show Modules

If Technologies/Frameworks View is on, this icon is used to show or hide the modules. In this case, the modules, if shown, appear in the second pane from the left.

Show Beans

For CDI: Use this icon to show or hide CDI beans.

Show Producers

For CDI: Use this icon to show or hide producer methods and fields.

Show Dependencies / Documentation

Depending on the technology:

  • For CDI: Use this icon to switch between showing a diagram or documentation in the rightmost pane.

    If on, the dependency injection diagrams are shown for selected items. Otherwise, the Javadoc HTML documentation is shown.

  • For WebSocket: Use this icon to change the way the endpoint classes are shown and ordered.

    If off, the information for the classes is shown in the following order: the class name first and then the endpoint URL (if available). The classes in this case are ordered by their names.

    If on, the endpoint URLs are shown first and are followed by the class names. The classes in this case are ordered by the endpoint URLs.

  • For RESTfull Web Services: use this icon to change the way resource classes and their methods are shown and ordered.

    If off, the information for the classes and methods is shown in the following order: the names first and then the resource URLs. The classes and methods in this case are ordered by their names.

    If on, the resource URLs are shown first and the information is ordered by the URLs.

    Note that the resource classes may be shown or hidden by means of Je show all rest resources icon. To show or hide the methods, use Check Resource Type.

Show Injection Points

For CDI: Use this icon to show or hide the InjectionPoint types.

Note that if Show Dependencies / Documentation is on, the injection points are shown on the diagrams in the rightmost pane, and this icon becomes inactive.

Je server endpoint icon

For WebSocket: Use this icon to show or hide the classes annotated with @ServerEndpoint.

Je client endpoint icon

For WebSocket: Use this icon to show or hide the classes annotated with @ClientEndpoint.

Show All REST Resources

For RESTful Web Services: Use this icon to show or hide the resource classes.

If off, there is a pane showing the classes. When you select a class, its methods are shown in the pane to the right. So, in this case, the methods are grouped by the classes in which they are defined.

If on, the classes are not shown. The methods belonging to different classes are all shown in the same pane and at the same time.

Check Resource Type

For RESTful Web Services: Click this icon and then the necessary option to show or hide the methods annotated with @GET, @POST, @PUT, or @DELETE.

Context menu commands






Use this command or shortcut to switch to the pane to the left.



Use this command or shortcut to switch to the pane to the right.



Use this command or shortcut to switch to the editor to view or edit the source code for the selected item.

For a module, this command results in showing the module settings in the Project Structure dialog (Control+Alt+Shift+S).

Filtering information

When in the pane of interest, just start typing. As a result, only the items whose names contain the specified string will be shown.

For more information, refer to Speed search in tool windows.

Last modified: 21 June 2023