IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3 Help

Manage coverage suites

Coverage measurement results comprise a coverage suite. You can have the results of a new simulation merged with any existing suite. In this case, a line will be considered covered if it is covered by at least one of the simulations.

A coverage suite is generated every time a test or an application with code coverage measurement is executed. It is possible to have an unlimited number of coverage suites.

Results of the code coverage analysis are saved to the coverage folder in the IDE system directory.

Select a coverage suite

The list of coverage suites becomes available after you run at least one test with coverage.

  1. In the main menu, go to Run | Show Coverage Data (Ctrl+Alt+F6).

  2. In the Choose Coverage Suite to Display dialog, select the checkboxes next to the necessary suites, and click Show selected.

    IntelliJ IDEA opens the coverage results for the selected test suites.

  3. To hide the coverage results, select the checkboxes next to the necessary classes and click No Coverage.

Choose Coverage Suite to Display dialog

Reading code coverage results

  • In the gutter, IntelliJ IDEA highlights how different parts of code are covered in your application. The following levels of coverage are indicated:

    • Full (Full code coverage): indicates that the line of code or code block was executed during testing and application execution. In tests, this means that every part of this specific code segment has been covered by one or more tests. In application code, it means that the line was executed by some other code in the application, not just tests.

    • Partial (Full code coverage): indicates that only a portion of the code in the line or block was executed during testing or application execution. This typically occurs in complex statements with multiple conditions, where only some conditions were tested or executed.

    • Uncovered (Full code coverage): indicates that the line of code or code block has not been executed at all during testing or application execution. This suggests a potential risk, as untested or dead code might contain undetected bugs.

Upload or remove a coverage suite

Consider a situation when a file that contains code coverage information has been obtained from the build server. You can load this file from the disk and examine it in IntelliJ IDEA. Also, you can open the coverage data that has been generated by the IDE some time ago.

  1. In the main menu, go to Run | Show Coverage Data (Ctrl+Alt+F6).

  2. Click the Add button and select the necessary .ic (IntelliJ IDEA runner) or .exec (JaCoCo runner) file in the dialog that opens.

    The files with coverage data generated by IntelliJ IDEA are saved to the coverage folder in the IDE system directory by default.

  3. To remove a suite from the list and from the storage, select it in the list and click the Delete button.

Last modified: 01 March 2024