IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2 Help

Problems tool window

The Problems tool window displays problems that IntelliJ IDEA detects in your project using several tabs.

You can select any problem in the window and press F4 or double-click it to jump to the corresponding line in the editor.

To cycle through the tool window tabs, press Alt+Right and Alt+Left.

The IDE continuously checks your code and searches for problems. This tab lists all code issues found in the current file. The list is updated as you switch between files in the editor.

IntelliJ IDEA: Problems tool window. Current File tab



Tooltip and shortcut


Enable Project-Wide Analysis

Enable Project-Wide Analysis

Analyze your entire project for problems. For more information, refer to Project errors (Java only).

View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

the Show Quick Fixes button

Show Quick-Fixes Alt+Enter

Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

the Open Editor Preview button

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Context menu




Show Quick-Fixes


Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

Copy Problem Description


Copy the problem description to the clipboard.

Jump to Source


Open the code containing the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Open error details in a separate dialog.

This tab displays problems detected across your project by the project-wide analysis.

Project Errors tab



Tooltip and shortcut


Enable Project-Wide Analysis

Enable Project-Wide Analysis

Analyze your entire project for problems. For more information, refer to Project errors (Java only).

View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

the Show Quick Fixes button

Show Quick-Fixes Alt+Enter

Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

the Open Editor Preview button

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Expand All

Expand All

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Collapse all nodes.

Context menu options




Copy Problem Description


Copy the problem description to the clipboard.

Jump to Source


Open the code containing the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Open error details in a separate dialog.

This tab displays code problems detected with Qodana. Qodana allows you run inspections locally including your IDE, and as a part of CI/CD pipelines.

IntelliJ IDEA: Qodana inspection results in the Problems window



Tooltip and shortcut


Log in to Qodana

Log in to Qodana

Log in to Qodana Cloud. This action is a prerequisite for linking your project with Qodana Cloud-based reports. Alternatively, you can do it from the main menu: Tools | Qodana | Log in to Qodana. For more information, refer to Qodana Cloud.

Logged in to Qodana

Logged in to Qodana

You are logged in to Qodana Cloud. You can link your project with Qodana Cloud.

Linked with Cloud

Your project is linked with Qodana Cloud.

By clicking this button, you can open the inspection report in the cloud or unlink your project from Qodana Cloud.

Refresh Cloud Report

Refresh Cloud Report

Refresh the current cloud report.

View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

Open Editor Preview

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Expand All

Expand All Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all nodes.

Show Qodana in Browser

Show Qodana in Browser

Open the results of the analysis in your default browser. An interactive report opens allowing you to examine the problems in detail and navigate between the report and the IDE.

Context menu options




Show Quick-Fixes


Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

Jump to Source


Open the code with the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Learn more in formation about the detected problem in a popup.


Modify the qodana.yaml configuration file by excluding from the analysis certain files, folders, or inspections.

This tab displays usages of vulnerable API that are found in imported dependencies. Vulnerability data is provided by Checkmarx.

For more information, refer to Find vulnerable and malicious dependencies.

Vulnerable Dependencies



Tooltip and shortcut


Show Safe

Show Safe

Show safe dependencies in the list along with vulnerable dependencies.



Check the current dependencies and refresh the list in the Problems tool window.

Expand All

Expand All Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all nodes.



Copy safe version to clipboard

Copy the version that includes a fix for the vulnerability to the clipboard.

Report false positive

Inform JetBrains about inaccuracies in the dependency vulnerability checker.

Dependency vulnerability checker automatically scans your code to identify potential issues such as security vulnerabilities in your dependencies. However, like any automated tools, they may sometimes identify an issue that is not really a problem (a "false positive").

The Report false positive option allows users to report these inaccuracies back to the developers of the IDE.

Read more

Open the Developer Hub by Checkmarx site to learn more about the vulnerability.

This tab appears when you run code inspections manually and shows the analysis results.

Inspection results tab





Rerun Inspection


Run the inspection and show the results on the same tab.

Previous Problem


Navigate to the previous problem.

Next Problem


Navigate to the next problem.

Apply a quickfix


Resolve the problem for the selected inspection item by choosing one of the available quick fixes from the list.

the Settings button

Change the settings for the selected inspection or group of inspections in the Errors dialog.

View options

Group or filter found problems according to the selected option:

  • Directory: group detected problems by directory.

  • Severity: group detected problems by the error and warning severity. Otherwise, group the problems by inspection.

  • Filter resolved items: hide resolved problems.

Expand All

Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all nodes.


Export the inspection results into XML , Sarif, or HTML format.

Context menu options




Jump to Source


Open the file that contains the selected problem in the editor and place the caret at the beginning of the corresponding code fragment.



Exclude the selected items from further examination. Excluded nodes are shown strikethrough. If the filter toggle is on, the excluded nodes are hidden.



Include previously excluded items in the list of results. All nested elements are included too.


Select one of the suggested solutions.

Suppress problem

Suppress the inspection for a class, method, statement, or field. For more information, refer to Suppress inspections.

Edit Settings

Change the settings for the selected inspection or group of inspections in the Errors dialog.

Disable inspection

Disable alerts for the selected inspection in the active tab of results. If the filter toggle is on, the nodes for disabled inspections are hidden.

Run inspection on

Rerun the selected inspection and display the results on a new tab.

Inspection report

The inspection report is shown in the right pane of the results tab when an inspection node is selected in the left pane. The report may include the following:

  • Problem resolution: A button for each of the available solutions. Clicking a button invokes the corresponding fix. If no buttons are present, you have to fix the problem yourself.

  • Suppress: Click this button to reveal the list of inspection suppress options.

  • Problem synopsis: A brief description of the problem.

  • Disable inspection: Disable alerts for the selected inspection in the active tab of results. If the filter toggle is on, the nodes for disabled inspections are hidden.

  • Run inspection on: Rerun the selected inspection and display the results on a new tab.

Last modified: 23 September 2024