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CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection)

@Interceptor class without binding types  

Reports @Interceptor classes without binding types.

Bean has collision of scope in stereotypes  

Reports classes with multiple stereotypes in different scopes or if a scope is not specified.

Bean with non-default scope declares public fields  

Reports managed beans with public instance fields that are not in the default @Dependent scope.

Disposer method parameter without producers  

Reports disposer methods without the corresponding producer method.

Incorrect @Decorator class  

Reports incorrect @Decorator bean definitions.

Incorrect @Specializes usage  

Reports incorrect usages of the @Specializes annotation.

Incorrect @Stereotype annotation class  

Reports incorrect @Stereotype annotation classes:.

Incorrect @Typed annotation usage  

Reports @Typed annotation usages that violate the following rules:.

Incorrect bean definitions in beans.xml  

Reports incorrect bean definitions in beans.xml configuration files.

Incorrect bean scope  

Reports incorrect bean scopes:.

Incorrect dependency injection place  

Reports incorrect injection points: fields, methods, and parameters annotated with @Inject that violate the CDI specification.

Incorrect disposer method  

Reports incorrect disposer methods.

Incorrect managed bean definition  

Reports incorrect bean definition rules.

Incorrect observer method  

Reports incorrect observer method definitions.

Incorrect usage of bean type that cannot be proxied  

Reports incorrect usages of bean types that cannot be proxied.

Injection point with ambiguous dependencies  

Reports injection points in bean classes that have ambiguous dependencies.

Vetoed @Alternative bean  

Reports vetoed @Alternative beans.

Last modified: 18 June 2024