Invalid elements
- Invalid @property declaration
Reports a missing required syntax, inherits, or initial-value property in a declaration of a custom property.
- Invalid @property name
Reports an invalid custom property name.
- Invalid function
Reports an unknown CSS function or an incorrect function parameter.
- Invalid media feature
Reports an unknown CSS media feature or an incorrect media feature value.
- Invalid nested selector
Reports a nested selector starting with an identifier or a functional notation.
- Invalid property value
Reports an incorrect CSS property value.
- Invalid pseudo-selector
Reports an incorrect CSS pseudo-class pseudo-element.
- Invalid type selector
Reports a CSS type selector that matches an unknown HTML element.
- Misplaced @import
Reports a misplaced @import statement.
- Misplaced or incorrect @charset
Reports a misplaced @charset at-rule or an incorrect charset value.
- Negative property value
Reports a negative value of a CSS property that is not expected to be less than zero, for example, object width or height.
- Unknown at-rule
Reports an unknown CSS at-rule.
- Unknown property
Reports an unknown CSS property or a property used in a wrong context.
- Unknown unit
Reports an unknown unit.
- Unresolved class in 'composes' rule
Reports a CSS class reference in the 'composes' rule that cannot be resolved to any valid target.
- Unresolved custom property
Reports an unresolved reference to a custom property among the arguments of the var() function.
- Unresolved file reference
Reports an unresolved file reference, for example, an incorrect path in an @import statement.
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