Inspectopedia Help


Broken line comment   New in this release

Reports #} line comment ends in Django templates that do not have a matching line comment start.

Django ORM error   New in this release

Reports several methods that may not be called due to some ORM reasons.

Django endblock name doesn't match the block name   New in this release

Reports incorrect names of the closing blocks.

Django {% url %} tag arguments are unresolved   New in this release

Reports a missing url in the url tag.

Duplicated block names   New in this release

Reports duplicated block names in Django templates.

Incompatible code in Django templates   New in this release

Reports features that are not available in the current Django version.

Incorrect arguments in the ' {% url %}' tag   New in this release

Reports missing parameters in the template file if the url() function has parameters in its URL path.

Incorrect comparison expression in Django templates   New in this release

Reports missing whitespaces before and after comparison operators in Django templates.

Mismatched opening and closing tags   New in this release

Reports cases when opening tags in Django templates are not correctly matched by closing tags.

Misplaced {% extends %} tag   New in this release

Reports the {% extends %} tag that is not the first tag in a Django template.

Unresolved filter   New in this release

Reports unresolved filters in Django templates.

Unresolved library inspection   New in this release

Reports unresolved references in Django load tags.

Unresolved static reference   New in this release

Reports unresolved references to static resources.

Unresolved tag   New in this release

Reports unresolved tags in Django templates.

Unresolved template reference   New in this release

Reports unresolved file references in string literals of extends> and include> Django tags.

Last modified: 11 September 2024