Probable bugs
- 'FailNow' in a non-test goroutine
Reports calls to testing.T.FailNow and similar methods located in goroutines in test files.
- 'Unmarshal' is called with the incorrect argument
Reports calls to json.Unmarshal and similar functions if the argument that is passed to store the result is not a pointer or an interface.
- 'context.CancelFunc' is not called
Reports execution paths that do not call the cancel function returned by context.WithCancel and similar functions.
- Defer/go statement calls 'recover' or 'panic' directly
Reports defer and go statements that call panic() or recover() directly.
- Direct comparison of errors
Reports direct comparison of errors, for example, using ==, and suggests using errors.Is instead.
- Division by zero
Reports division by zero.
- Exceeded shift expression
Reports shift expressions that equal or exceed the width of the integer.
- Imported package name as a name identifier
Reports declarations of variables, arguments or functions that overlap with the used import.
- Impossible interface type assertion
Reports impossible interface-to-interface type assertions.
- Incorrect 'strings.Replace' count argument
Reports strings.Replace calls with the replace count 0 instead of -1.
- Incorrect usage of 'fmt.Printf' and 'fmt.Println' functions
Reports incorrect usages of fmt.Printf, fmt.Println, and similar formatting and printing functions.
- Incorrect usage of the 'errors.As' function
Reports calls of the errors.As function when the second argument is not a pointer to an interface or to a type that implements an error.
- Incorrect usage of the 'sync/atomic' package
Reports assignment statements of the form x = atomic.AddUint64(&x, 1).
- Integer to string type conversion
Reports conversions of string(x)-alike expressions where x is an integer but not byte or rune.
- Invalid conversions of 'uintptr' to 'unsafe.Pointer'
Reports possibly incorrect conversions of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer.
- Irregular usage of 'iota'
Reports irregular usage of iota within a constant declaration.
- Leading whitespace in directive comment
Reports leading whitespaces before Go directives in comments.
- Locks mistakenly passed by value
Reports locks that are mistakenly passed by values.
- Loop variables captured by the func literal
Reports references to loop variables from within func literals in defer and go statements.
- Malformed build tag
Reports malformed build tags and build tags in the incorrect location.
- Malformed struct tag
Reports struct tags that do not conform to Go conventions for struct tags.
- Missing 'case' statements for 'iota' consts in 'switch'
Reports unhandled values in switch statements when the iota identifier is in the const declaration.
- Mixed value and pointer receivers
Reports structures with methods that use a mixture of types: value and pointer receivers.
- Nilness analyzer
Reports problems caused by incorrect usage of the nil value.
- Non-standard signature for well-known function names
Reports methods with certain names in the following cases: the method's name matches the name of several well-known interface methods from the standard library the signature does not match the signature of the corresponding interface method Such methods might indicate that the receiver type is intended to satisfy an interface from the standard library, but fails to do so because of the mistake in the method's signature.
- Reserved word used as name
Reports declarations of variables, arguments or functions that overlap with the built-in or reserved keyword.
- Shadowing variable
Reports declarations of variables that overlap with the declarations in the outer scope.
- The 'go:debug' directive is ignored in Go versions earlier than 1.21
Reports go:debug directive usages when a Go SDK version is less than 1.21.
- The 'go:debug' directive must be placed before the package clause
Reports 'go:debug' directive being defined not above main or _test packages.
- Type assertion on errors fails on wrapped errors
Reports type assertion or type switch on errors, for example, err.(*MyErr) or switch err.(type), and suggests using errors.As instead.
- Unhandled error
Reports calls to functions and methods that do not handle the call result of the error type.
- Unused function or method call result
Reports calls to certain functions and methods that do not handle a call result.
Thanks for your feedback!