- Empty tag
Reports empty tags that do not work in some browsers.
- Incorrect boolean attribute
Reports an HTML non-boolean attribute without a value.
- Malformed content of 'script' tag
Reports contents of script tags that are invalid XML.
- Mismatched image size
Reports a width and height attribute value of a img tag that is different from the actual width and height of the referenced image.
- Missing closing tag
Reports an HTML element without a closing tag.
- Missing required attribute
Reports a missing mandatory attribute in an XML/HTML tag.
- Obsolete attribute
Reports an obsolete HTML5 attribute.
- Obsolete tag
Reports an obsolete HTML5 tag.
- Presentational tag
Reports a presentational HTML tag.
- Redundant closing tag
Reports redundant closing tags on empty elements, for example, img or br.
- Unknown attribute
Reports an unknown HTML attribute.
- Unknown tag
Reports an unknown HTML tag.
- Unresolved file in a link
Reports an unresolved file in a link.
- Unresolved fragment in a link
Reports an unresolved last part of an URL after the # sign.
- Unresolved web link
Reports an unresolved web link.
- Wrong attribute value
Reports an incorrect HTML attribute value.
- Accessibility
Sub-group of 6 inspections that provide checks for Accessibility
Thanks for your feedback!