- Log condition does not match logging call
Reports is log enabled for conditions of if statements that do not match the log level of the contained logging call.
- Logging call not guarded by log condition
Reports logging calls that are not surrounded by a guard condition.
- Logging calls guarded by log condition
Reports logging calls surrounded with a guard condition.
- Non-distinguishable logging calls
Reports SLF4J, Log4j2 logging calls in one class, such as logger.info("message: {}", key) with similar log messages.
- Number of placeholders does not match number of arguments in logging call
Reports SLF4J, Log4j2 and akka.event.LoggingAdapter logging calls, such as logger.info("{}: {}", key) where the number of {} placeholders in the logger message doesn't match the number of other arguments to the logging call.
- String template as argument to logging call
Reports string templates that are used as arguments to SLF4J and Log4j 2 logging methods.