Code maturity
- 'Throwable' printed to 'System.out'
Reports calls to System.out.println() with an exception as an argument.
- Call to 'Thread.dumpStack()'
Reports usages of Thread.dumpStack().
- Call to 'printStackTrace()'
Reports calls to Throwable.printStackTrace() without arguments.
- Commented out code
Reports comments that contain Java code.
- Deprecated API usage
Reports usages of deprecated classes, fields, and methods.
- Deprecated member is still used
Reports deprecated classes, methods, and fields that are used in your code nonetheless.
- Method can be extracted
Suggests extracting fragments of code to a separate method to make code more clear.
- Null value for Optional type
Reports null assigned to an Optional variable or returned from a method returning Optional.
- Redundant @ScheduledForRemoval annotation
Reports usages of @ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval annotation without inVersion attribute in code which targets Java 9 or newer version.
- Usage of API marked for removal
Reports usages of deprecated APIs (classes, fields, and methods) that are marked for removal with @Deprecated(forRemoval=true).
- Use of 'System.out' or 'System.err'
Reports usages of System.out or System.err.
- Use of obsolete collection type
Reports usages of java.util.Vector, java.util.Hashtable and java.util.Stack.
- Use of obsolete date-time API
Reports usages of java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.util.GregorianCalendar, java.util.TimeZone, and java.util.SimpleTimeZone.
Thanks for your feedback!