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Declaration redundancy

'final' method in 'final' class  

Reports final methods in final classes.

'protected' member in 'final' class  

Reports protected members in finalclasses.

Access static member via instance reference  

Reports references to static methods and fields via a class instance rather than the class itself.

Declaration access can be weaker  

Reports fields, methods or classes that may have their access modifier narrowed down.

Declaration can have 'final' modifier  

Reports fields, methods, or classes that may have the final modifier added to their declarations.

Default annotation parameter value  

Reports annotation parameters that are assigned to their default value.

Duplicate throws  

Reports duplicate exceptions in a method throws list.

Empty class initializer  

Reports empty class initializer blocks.

Functional expression can be folded  

Reports method references or lambda expressions that point to a method of their own functional interface type and hence can be replaced with their qualifiers removing unnecessary object allocation.

Method always returns the same value  

Reports methods and method hierarchies that always return the same constant.

Method can be made 'void'  

Reports methods whose return values are never used when called.

Method parameter always has the same value  

Reports method parameters that always have the same constant value.

Redundant 'close()'  

Reports unnecessary calls to close() at the end of a try-with-resources block and suggests removing them.

Redundant 'requires' directive in module-info  

Reports redundant requires directives in Java Platform Module System files.

Redundant 'throws' clause  

Reports exceptions that are declared in a method's signature but never thrown by the method itself or its implementations and overriding methods.

Redundant lambda parameter types  

Reports lambda formal parameter types that are redundant because they can be inferred from the context.

Redundant record constructor  

Reports redundant constructors declared inside Java records.

Trivial usage of functional expression  

Reports functional interface methods calls that are directly invoked on the definition of the lambda, method reference, or anonymous class.

Unnecessary module dependency  

Reports dependencies on modules that are not used.

Unused declaration  

Reports classes, methods, or fields that are not used or unreachable from the entry points.

Unused label  

Reports labels that are not targets of any break or continue statements.

Unused library  

Reports libraries attached to the specified inspection scope that are not used directly in code.

Variable is assigned to itself  

Reports assignments of a variable to itself.

Last modified: 18 June 2024