- 'SimpleDateFormat' without locale
Reports instantiations of java.util.SimpleDateFormat or java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter that do not specify a java.util.Locale.
- Absolute alignment in AWT/Swing code
Reports usages of absolute alignment constants from AWT and Swing.
- Call to 'Date.toString()'
Reports toString() calls on java.util.Date objects.
- Call to 'Number.toString()'
Reports toString() calls on objects of a class extending Number.
- Call to 'String.toUpperCase()' or 'toLowerCase()' without locale
Reports toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() calls on String objects that do not specify a java.util.Locale.
- Call to 'Time.toString()'
Reports toString() calls on java.sql.Time objects.
- Call to suspicious 'String' method
Reports calls of: equals() equalsIgnoreCase() compareTo() compareToIgnoreCase() and trim() on String objects.
- Character comparison
Reports ordinal comparisons of char values.
- Duplicate string literal
Reports string literals that are replicated unchanged throughout the project.
- Hardcoded strings
Reports any instances of hardcoded String literals.
- Implicit platform default charset
Reports method and constructor calls that implicitly use the platform default charset.
- Incorrect string capitalization
Reports strings in method parameters and return values annotated with @Nls and having the capitalization parameter to conform to capitalization rules existing in most platform UI guidelines.
- Magic character
Reports character literals that are used without constant declaration.
- Non-Basic Latin character
Reports non-Basic Latin characters in literals and suggests replacing them with unicode entities.
- String concatenation
Reports String concatenations.
- Unnecessary unicode escape sequence
Reports unnecessary unicode escape sequences.
- Use of 'StringTokenizer'
Reports usages of the StringTokenizer class.
Thanks for your feedback!