Java 5
- 'BigDecimal' legacy method called
Reports calls to BigDecimal.divide() or BigDecimal.setScale() that use integer constants to specify the rounding mode.
- 'String.indexOf()' expression can be replaced with 'contains()'
Reports comparisons with String.indexOf() calls that can be replaced with a call to the String.contains() method.
- 'StringBuffer' may be 'StringBuilder'
Reports variables declared as StringBuffer and suggests replacing them with StringBuilder.
- 'for' loop can be replaced with enhanced for loop
Reports for loops that iterate over collections or arrays, and can be automatically replaced with an enhanced for loop (foreach iteration syntax).
- 'while' loop can be replaced with enhanced 'for' loop
Reports while loops that iterate over collections and can be replaced with enhanced for loops (foreach iteration syntax).
- Method can have varargs parameter
Reports methods that can be converted to variable arity methods.
- Raw use of parameterized class
Reports generic classes with omitted type parameters.
- Reference to empty collection field can be replaced with method call
Reports usages of java.util.Collections fields: EMPTY_LIST, EMPTY_MAP or EMPTY_SET.
- Unnecessary boxing
Reports explicit boxing, that is wrapping of primitive values in objects.
- Unnecessary unboxing
Reports unboxing, that is explicit unwrapping of wrapped primitive values.
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