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'@JvmOverloads' annotation cannot be used on constructors of annotation classes since 1.4  

Reports @JvmOverloads on constructors of annotation classes because it's meaningless.

'kotlin.browser' and 'kotlin.dom' packages are deprecated since 1.4  

Reports usages of kotlin.dom and kotlin.browser packages.

Ambiguous logical expressions in 'when' branches since 1.7  

Reports ambiguous logical expressions in when branches which cause compilation errors in Kotlin 1.8 and later.

Deprecated 'Enum.declaringClass' property  

Reports 'declaringClass' property calls on Enum that will lead to compilation error since 1.9.

Do not propagate method deprecation through overrides since 1.9  

Reports a declarations that are propagated by @Deprecated annotation that will lead to compilation error since 1.9.

Experimental coroutines usages are deprecated since 1.3  

Reports code that uses experimental coroutines.

Explicit conversion from `Int` needed since 1.9  

Reports expressions that will be of type Int, thus causing compilation errors in Kotlin 1.9 and later.

Forbidden constructor call  

Reports a constructor calls on functional supertypes that will lead to compilation error since 1.9.

Inline classes are deprecated since 1.5  

Reports inline classes that are deprecated and cause compilation warnings in Kotlin 1.5 and later.

Local variable with type parameters  

Reports local variables with type parameters.

MIN_VALUE step in fromClosedRange() since 1.3  

Reports IntProgression.fromClosedRange() and LongProgression.fromClosedRange() with MIN_VALUE step.

Meaningless annotations targets on superclass  

Reports meaningless annotation targets on superclasses since Kotlin 1.4.

Non-exhaustive 'when' statements will be prohibited since 1.7  

Reports a non-exhaustive when statements that will lead to compilation error since 1.7.

Progression resolution change since 1.9  

Reports overloaded function calls where an argument requires an explicit cast to resolve to a proper declaration.

Redundant label  

Reports redundant labels which cause compilation errors since Kotlin 1.4.

Repeated annotation which is not marked as '@Repeatable'  

Reports the repeated use of a non-@Repeatable annotation on property accessors.

Target label does not denote a function since 1.4  

Reports labels that don't points to a functions.

Unused 'args' on 'main' since 1.4  

Reports main function with an unused single parameter.

Usage of redundant or deprecated syntax or deprecated symbols  

Reports obsolete language features and unnecessarily verbose code constructs during the code cleanup operation (Code | Code Cleanup).


Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Gradle


Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Maven

Last modified: 18 June 2024