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Style issues

'String.format' call can be replaced with string templates  

Reports String.format calls that can be replaced with string templates.

'arrayOf' call can be replaced with array literal [...]  

Reports arrayOf calls that can be replaced with array literals [...].

'assert' call can be replaced with '!!' or '?:'  

Reports assert calls that check a not null value of the declared variable.

'associate' can be replaced with 'associateBy' or 'associateWith'  

Reports calls to associate() and associateTo() that can be replaced with associateBy() or associateWith().

'copy' method of data class is called without named arguments  

Reports calls to a data class' copy() method without named arguments.

'filterIsInstance' call with a class literal argument  

Reports calls of the Kotlin standard library function filterIsInstance with a class literal argument.

'if' condition can be replaced with lambda call  

Reports isEmpty, isBlank, isNotEmpty, or isNotBlank calls in an if statement to assign a default value.

'map.get()' with not-null assertion operator (!!)  

Reports map.get()!! that can be replaced with map.getValue(), map.getOrElse(), and so on.

'map.put()' can be converted to assignment  

Reports map.put function calls that can be replaced with indexing operator ([]).

'protected' visibility is effectively 'private' in a final class  

Reports protected visibility used inside of a final class.

'rangeTo' or the '..' call should be replaced with '..<'  

Reports calls to rangeTo or the .

'rangeTo' or the '..' call should be replaced with 'until'  

Reports calls to rangeTo or the .

'readLine' can be replaced with 'readln' or 'readlnOrNull'  

Reports calls to readLine() that can be replaced with readln() or readlnOrNull().

'substring' call should be replaced with 'dropLast' call  

Reports calls like s.substring(0, s.length - x) that can be replaced with s.dropLast(x).

'substring' call should be replaced with 'substringAfter'  

Reports calls like s.substring(s.indexOf(x)) that can be replaced with s.substringAfter(x).

'substring' call should be replaced with 'substringBefore'  

Reports calls like s.substring(0, s.indexOf(x)) that can be replaced with s.substringBefore(x).

'substring' call should be replaced with 'take' call  

Reports calls like s.substring(0, x) that can be replaced with s.take(x).

'substring' call should be replaced with indexing operator  

Reports calls like "abc".substring(0, 1) that can be replaced with "abc"[0].

'to' call should be replaced with infix form  

Reports to function calls that can be replaced with the infix form.

'when' that can be simplified by introducing an argument  

Reports a when expression that can be simplified by introducing a subject argument.

Accessor call that can be replaced with property access syntax  

Reports Java get and set method calls that can be replaced with the Kotlin synthetic properties.

Assert boolean could be replaced with assert equality  

Reports calls to assertTrue() and assertFalse() that can be replaced with assert equality functions.

Assignment can be replaced with operator assignment  

Reports modifications of variables with a simple assignment (such as y = y + x) that can be replaced with an operator assignment.

Boolean expression can be simplified  

Reports boolean expression parts that can be reduced to constants.

Boolean literal argument without parameter name  

Reports call arguments with Boolean type without explicit parameter names specified.

Boxed properties should be replaced with unboxed  

Reports boxed Range.start and Range.endInclusive properties.

Call chain on collection could be converted into 'Sequence' to improve performance  

Reports call chain on a Collection that should be converted into Sequence.

Call chain on collection type can be simplified  

Reports two-call chains replaceable by a single call.

Call of 'toString' could be replaced with string template  

Reports toString function calls that can be replaced with a string template.

Can be replaced with binary operator  

Reports function calls that can be replaced with binary operators, in particular comparison-related ones.

Can be replaced with function reference  

Reports function literal expressions that can be replaced with function references.

Can be replaced with lambda  

Reports a function reference expression that can be replaced with a function literal (lambda).

Cascade 'if' can be replaced with 'when'  

Reports if statements with three or more branches that can be replaced with the when expression.

Class member can have 'private' visibility  

Reports declarations that can be made private to follow the encapsulation principle.

Collection count can be converted to size  

Reports calls to Collection<T>.count().

Convert Pair constructor to 'to' function  

Reports a Pair constructor invocation that can be replaced with a to() infix function call.

Convert to primary constructor  

Reports a secondary constructor that can be replaced with a more concise primary constructor.

Convert try / finally to use() call  

Reports a try-finally block with resource.close() in finally which can be converted to a resource.use() call.

Equality check can be used instead of elvis for nullable boolean check  

Reports cases when an equality check should be used instead of the elvis operator.

Explicit 'get' or 'set' call  

Reports explicit calls to get or set functions which can be replaced by an indexing operator [].

Expression body syntax is preferable here  

Reports return expressions (one-liners or when) that can be replaced with expression body syntax.

Fully qualified name can be replaced with existing import alias  

Reports fully qualified names that can be replaced with an existing import alias.

Function should have 'operator' modifier  

Reports a function that matches one of the operator conventions but lacks the operator keyword.

Function with '= { ... }' and inferred return type  

Reports functions with = { ..

Guard clause can be replaced with Kotlin's function call  

Reports guard clauses that can be replaced with a function call.

If-Null return/break/... foldable to '?:'  

Reports an if expression that checks variable being null or not right after initializing it that can be converted into an elvis operator in the initializer.

If-Then foldable to '?.'  

Reports if-then expressions that can be folded into safe-access (?.) expressions.

If-Then foldable to '?:'  

Reports if-then expressions that can be folded into elvis (?:) expressions.

Implicit 'this'  

Reports usages of implicit this.

Java Collections static method call can be replaced with Kotlin stdlib  

Reports a Java Collections static method call that can be replaced with Kotlin stdlib.

Java Map.forEach method call should be replaced with Kotlin's forEach  

Reports a Java Map.forEach method call that can be replaced with Kotlin's forEach.

Java methods should be replaced with Kotlin analog  

Reports a Java method call that can be replaced with a Kotlin function, for example, System.out.println().

Join declaration and assignment  

Reports property declarations that can be joined with the following assignment.

Lambda argument inside parentheses  

Reports lambda expressions in parentheses which can be moved outside.

Library function call could be simplified  

Reports library function calls which could be replaced by simplified one.

Local 'var' is never modified and can be declared as 'val'  

Reports local variables declared with the var keyword that are never modified.

Loop can be replaced with stdlib operations  

Reports for loops that can be replaced with a sequence of stdlib operations (like map, filter, and so on).

Main parameter is not necessary  

Reports main function with an unused single parameter.

Manually incremented index variable can be replaced with use of 'withIndex()'  

Reports for loops with a manually incremented index variable.

Might be 'const'  

Reports top-level val properties in objects that might be declared as const for better performance and Java interoperability.

Multiple operators with different precedence  

Reports binary expressions that consist of different operators without parentheses.

Negated boolean expression can be simplified  

Reports negated boolean expressions that can be simplified.

Negated call can be simplified  

Reports negation isEmpty() and isNotEmpty() for collections and String, or isBlank() and isNotBlank() for String.

Nested lambda has shadowed implicit parameter  

Reports nested lambdas with shadowed implicit parameters.

Non-canonical modifier order  

Reports modifiers that do not follow the order recommended by the style guide.

Non-idiomatic 'is' type check for an object  

Reports non-idiomatic is type checks for an object.

Not-null assertion can be replaced with 'return'  

Reports not-null assertion (!!) calls that can be replaced with the elvis operator and return (?: return).

Object literal can be converted to lambda  

Reports anonymous object literals implementing a Java interface with a single abstract method that can be converted into a call with a lambda expression.

Optionally expected annotation has no actual annotation  

Reports optionally expected annotations without actual annotation in some platform modules.

Range can be converted to indices or iteration  

Reports until and rangeTo operators that can be replaced with Collection.indices or iteration over collection inside for loop.

Redundant 'asSequence' call  

Reports redundant asSequence() call that can never have a positive performance effect.

Redundant 'else' in 'if'  

Reports redundant else in if with return.

Redundant 'runCatching' call  

Reports runCatching calls that are immediately followed by getOrThrow.

Remove unnecessary parentheses  

Reports redundant empty parentheses in annotation entries.

Replace 'mapIndexed' with List generator  

Reports a mapIndexed call that can be replaced by List generator.

Replace 'until' with '..<' operator  

Reports until that can be replaced with ..< operator.

Return or assignment can be lifted out  

Reports if, when, and try statements that can be converted to expressions by lifting the return statement or an assignment out.

Safe cast with 'return' should be replaced with 'if' type check  

Reports safe cast with return that can be replaced with if type check.

Scope function can be converted to another one  

Reports scope functions (let, run, apply, also) that can be converted between each other.

Scope function with nested forEach can be simplified  

Reports forEach functions in the scope functions such as also or apply that can be simplified.

Size check can be replaced with 'isNotEmpty()'  

Reports size checks of Collections/Array/String that should be replaced with isNotEmpty().

Size zero check can be replaced with 'isEmpty()'  

Reports size == 0 checks on Collections/Array/String that should be replaced with isEmpty().

String concatenation that can be converted to string template  

Reports string concatenation that can be converted to a string template.

Suspicious 'asDynamic' member invocation  

Reports usages of asDynamic function on a receiver of dynamic type.

Trailing comma recommendations  

Reports trailing commas that do not follow the recommended style guide.

Two comparisons should be converted to a range check  

Reports two consecutive comparisons that can be converted to a range check.

Type parameter can have 'in' or 'out' variance  

Reports type parameters that can have in or out variance.

Unlabeled return inside lambda  

Reports unlabeled return expressions inside inline lambda.

Use destructuring declaration  

Reports declarations that can be destructured.

Variable declaration could be moved inside 'when'  

Reports variable declarations that can be moved inside a when expression.

Verbose nullability and emptiness check  

Reports combination of null and emptiness checks that can be simplified into a single check.

Last modified: 18 June 2024