Code smell
- '__toString' may throw an exception
Reports the usages of __toString that may throw an exception, which is not allowed for PHP language level lower than 7.4.
- 'array_push()' with single element
Reports the array_push() calls that are used to add a single element to an array.
- 'array_search()' can be replaced with 'in_array()' call
Reports the array_search() calls that are only used for checking whether an element exists in array, that is, the expressions like if (array_search($a, $b) === false) {}.
- 'continue' is targeting 'switch' statement
Reports the continue statements that are targeting switch statements.
- 'func_get_arg()' call can be replaced with parameter access
Reports the func_get_arg() calls that can be replaced with direct parameter access.
- 'if' can be merged with subsequent condition
Reports the if statements that are followed by elseif or other if statements having the same bodies.
- 'in_array' can be replaced with comparison
Reports the in_array() calls that are provided with a single-element array as the $haystack argument.
- 'match' expression has only default arm and should be simplified
Reports the match expressions only containing a default arm.
- 'preg_match' can be replaced with 'str_contains'
Reports the preg_match() calls with pattern arguments that don't use any regexp facilities.
- 'preg_match()' can be replaced with comparison
Reports the preg_match() calls that are provided with a string argument starting with ^ (Start of String anchor) and ending with $ (End of String anchor).
- 'preg_replace()' can be replaced with '(l|r)trim' call
Reports the preg_replace() calls with empty replacement.
- 'preg_split' can be replaced with 'explode'
Reports preg_split() calls that can be replaced with explode().
- 'switch' with single 'case'
Reports the switch statements that only contain a single case statement.
- Accessing static trait members
Reports the static member access expressions used on traits.
- Argument of 'instanceof' should be only objects or strings
Reports arguments of 'instanceof' that are not objects or strings.
- Array access can be replaced with 'foreach' value
Reports the array access expressions inside foreach loops that can be replaced with a foreach value.
- Array internal pointer reset is unnecessary
Reports the reset($array) calls on arrays whose internal pointer is already set on the first element.
- Array is always empty at the point of access
Reports the iterated/accessed arrays that are known to be empty at the point of access.
- Array to string conversion
Reports array to string conversions, that is, the arrays that are provided in the contexts where a string is expected.
- Array used only with write access
Reports local arrays that are only updated, but never queried.
- Boolean expression can be simplified
Reports the boolean expressions that contain the true or false literals and can be simplified.
- Class constant referenced via child class
Reports reference to a class constant via child class which gets this constant from the parent class by inheritance and does not override it within its own scope.
- Concatenation to empty string can be merged with assignment
Reports the .= concatenation assignments performed right after assignment to an empty string literal.
- Condition can be replaced with 'min()'/'max()' call
Reports the conditions that perform manual min/max calculation instead of calling min/max functions.
- Constant name defined with a leading slash
Reports the define constructs in which the constant's FQN starts with a leading slash.
- Duplicate branch in 'catch' statement
Reports catch statements with duplicated bodies.
- Duplicate operand in comparison
Reports duplicate operands in binary expressions (+, -, *, /, &&, ||, and .) that are in turn used inside comparison expressions.
- Exception is immediately rethrown
Reports the catch statements that only rethrow a caught exception, which is located in a class hierarchy different from the subsequent exception types.
- Foreach over array literal with single element
Reports the foreach statements that iterate over an array literal containing a single element.
- Format function call with single argument
Reports the sprintf() and vsprintf() calls with a single argument.
- Idempotent operation in binary expression
Reports the binary expression operands that do not change the expression result (such as + 0 or .
- Inconsistent return points
Reports inconsistencies in function/method exit points.
- Logical expression has same operands
Reports the expressions that use the same operands, but should rather use different operands (for example, $var == $var).
- Loop can be replaced with 'implode()'
Reports the foreach loops that can be safely replaced with implode() calls.
- Loop can be replaced with 'in_array()' or 'array_key_exists()' call
Reports the foreach loops that can be safely replaced with in_array() or array_key_exists() calls.
- Loop can be replaced with 'str_repeat'
Reports the for loops that can be safely replaced with str_repeat() calls.
- Method visibility should not be overridden
Checks that the methods don't override visibility.
- Method's return value is never used
Reports the private methods returning the values that are not used.
- Modulo operation with '1' as operand
Reports the modulo expressions % that always evaluate to 0 or 1.
- Nested 'dirname()' call can be replaced with 'levels' parameter usage
Reports the nested dirname() calls that can be omitted by using the levels parameter instead.
- Nested 'min/max' call
Reports nested min/max calls.
- Parameter's value is always the same
Reports the parameters in private methods that have the same value across all method calls.
- Parameters number mismatch declaration
Reports the function/method calls that take more parameters than specified in their declaration.
- Pointless boolean expression inside 'if' condition
Reports the boolean expressions inside if conditions that contain $expr == true or $expr == false.
- Private property can be local
Reports the private properties that are used only in a single method.
- Property usages have same access
Reports the private properties that are: written but never read read but never written.
- Redundant 'array_values' call on a value iterated in 'foreach'
Reports the array_values() calls inside foreach loops in which the iterated value is used without a key.
- Redundant 'continue/break' argument
Reports the redundant 1 argument of continue and break statements.
- Redundant 'static' in final class
Reports static usages inside final class.
- Redundant assignment to promoted property
Reports redundant assignments to class properties that duplicate automatic assignments performed through promoted constructor parameters.
- Redundant cast to boolean
Reports the (bool)/(boolean) casts and boolval() calls that are redundant since casting to bool is performed implicitly.
- Redundant cast to string
Reports the (string) casts and strval() calls that are redundant since casting to string is performed implicitly.
- Redundant closure '.*'
Reports redundant leading and trailing '.*' in pattern for `preg_match` function.
- Redundant method override
Reports the overriding methods that only consist of a single call to the parent method.
- Redundant optional argument
Reports redundant arguments that match the corresponding default values for optional parameters.
- Ternary expression can be replaced with condition
Reports the ternary expressions specified as condition ? true : false that can be safely replaced with just condition.
- Ternary expression can be replaced with short version
Reports the ?: ternary expressions in which the condition and the true statement are matching.
- Too many parameters in function declaration
Reports the function/method declarations with the number of parameters exceeding the specified limit.
- Unnecessary 'return/continue' statement
Reports unnecessary return and continue statements that can be safely removed.
- Unnecessary local variable
Reports the local variables that are used in exit statements, such as throw, return, or yield, immediately after assignment.
- Unnecessary pass-by-ref
Reports the variables that are passed by reference to a function/method but are not modified in the function/method body.
- Unnecessary semicolon
Reports unnecessary semicolons.
- Unnecessary spread operator for function call argument
Reports the usages of the spread operator (...) on array literals in function call arguments that may be safely unwrapped.
- Usage of a silence operator
Reports the usages of the silence operator (@), which is highly discouraged.
- Useless trailing comma
Reports the trailing commas in parameters lists and closures' use lists that do not bring any benefit.
- Using 'count()' as index for appending value to array
Reports the count($array) calls that are used as an array index for appending an element to the array: $array[count($array)] = 42.
Thanks for your feedback!