Undefined symbols
- Cannot infer DQL model class to enable completion
Reports $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()->from($model, $expr) when PhpStorm cannot resolve $model to a class.
- Dynamic property declaration
Reports the references to dynamic class properties declarations.
- Multiple class declarations
Reports the references to classes that have multiple declarations in project files.
- Possible polymorphic call
Reports polymorphic code usages.
- Undefined callback
Reports the functions, methods, properties, or classes that are referenced from a callback but are not found.
- Undefined class
Reports the references to classes whose declarations are not found in the project files, configured include paths, or among the PHP predefined classes.
- Undefined class constant
Reports the references to class constants that are not declared.
- Undefined constant
Reports the references to constants that are not found in the project files, configured include paths, or among the PHP predefined constants.
- Undefined function
Reports the references to functions that are not defined in the project files, configured include paths, or among the PHP predefined functions.
- Undefined goto label
Reports the goto labels that are not found in the current scope.
- Undefined method
Reports the references to class methods that are not defined.
- Undefined namespace
Reports the references to a namespace that is not found.
- Undefined property
Reports the references to class properties that are not declared.
- Undefined variable
Produces two types of warnings: Undefined variable: the variable's definition is not found in the project files, configured include paths, or among the PHP predefined variables.
Thanks for your feedback!