Inspectopedia Help

Content validity

<available-only-for> should be a child element  

Detects available-only-for attributes in <topic>, <chapter>, and <procedure> elements.

Anchor is overridden  

Detects overridden anchors in XML <a href> links.

Code snippet file is empty  

Detects empty files referenced via src in code blocks.

Combinable elements  

Detects elements that can be combined.

Content element is misused  

Detects the misuse of markup elements based on rules from the XML schema.

Content of the <code> element must be text-only  

Detects any XML-like code inside the code tag.

Element filter shadowed by ancestors  

Detects content filters that are shadowed by filters of parent elements.

Format element checker  

Checks the <format> element style and color validity.

GIF can be replaced with video  

Checks if there is an MP4 video to replace an animation with.

Image dimensions problems  

Detects problems caused by improper image dimension settings.

Image is animated and thumbnail at the same time  

Detects the simultaneous use of the thumbnail and animated attribute.

Include uses 'filter' instead of 'use-filter'  

Detects includes with the filter attribute.

Invalid filter value  

Reports problematic filter declarations that may result in unexpected behavior: Explicit empty values in filter attributes Redundant or misplaced negation ! operators.

Large image without a thumbnail  

Detects large images without a thumbnail and suggests making them expandable.

Link has no type  

Detects links without the `type` attribute inside the spotlight element on a section starting page.

Link to topic not in current instance  

Detects links pointing to an existing topic that is not in the current help instance tree.

Missing alt attribute inspection  

Detects <img> elements without the alt attribute.

Missing entity reference  

Detects attribute values that reference non-existent entities.

Missing title  

Checks for missing title attribute in chapter, def, and tab elements.

Non-latin characters in attribute values  

Detects non-Latin characters in attribute values.

Non-step element in a procedure  

Detects usage of tags other that step inside the procedure.

Plain procedure is used  

Detects occurences of plain procedures (without numbered steps or bulleted choices).

Redundant link text  

Detects links to topics where the topic title matches the link text.

Title tag is ignored  

Detects <title> tags that do not affect the topic title.

Top-level header is implicitly converted to a chapter  

Detects top-level headers in Writerside Markdown topics that will be converted to chapter headers in the generated documentation.

Unexpected file type: an image is expected  


Unexpected media file type in Markdown images  

Detects references in Markdown images that do not match their expected media type, e.g., links to local video files.

Unexpected media file type in XML tags  

Detects media references in Writerside XML tags that do not match their expected media types, e.g., image references in <video> tags.

Unreachable external image  

Detects unreachable URLs to external images.

Unreachable external link  

Detects unreachable external links.

Unreachable external video  

Detects unreachable URLs to external videos.

Unresolved Markdown reference   New in this release

Highlights unresolved references in Writerside XML topics as errors.

Video has no preview image  

Detects videos without a preview image.

Wide code block  

Detects code blocks with long lines.

Last modified: 18 June 2024