Testing Compose Multiplatform UI with JUnit
Edit pageLast modified: 06 December 2024Compose Multiplatform for desktop provides a testing API based on JUnit and the Jetpack Compose testing API. For more details on implementation, see the Test your Compose layout guide in the Jetpack Compose documentation.
For UI testing features available on all supported platforms, refer to the Testing Compose Multiplatform UI article.
To see JUnit-based tests in action, let's start with a project generated by the Kotlin Multiplatform wizard. If you are adding tests to an existing project, you may have to replace composeApp
in paths and commands with the module name you are testing (shared
, for example).
Create the test source set and add the necessary dependencies:
Create a directory for tests:
.In the
file, add the following dependencies:kotlin { //... sourceSets { //... val desktopTest by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.desktop.uiTestJUnit4) implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) } } } }
Create a test file called
and copy the following code into it:import androidx.compose.material.* import androidx.compose.runtime.* import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.test.* import androidx.compose.ui.platform.testTag import androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4.createComposeRule import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test class ExampleTest { @get:Rule val rule = createComposeRule() @Test fun myTest(){ // Declares a mock UI to demonstrate API calls // // Replace with your own declarations to test the code in your project rule.setContent { var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello") } Text( text = text, modifier = Modifier.testTag("text") ) Button( onClick = { text = "Compose" }, modifier = Modifier.testTag("button") ) { Text("Click me") } } // Tests the declared UI with assertions and actions of the JUnit-based testing API rule.onNodeWithTag("text").assertTextEquals("Hello") rule.onNodeWithTag("button").performClick() rule.onNodeWithTag("text").assertTextEquals("Compose") } }
To run the test, click the run icon in the gutter next to the
function or run the following command in the terminal:./gradlew desktopTest
What's next?
See how to create and run multiplatform tests.
For a general overview of JUnit-based testing in a Kotlin project, see the Test code using JUnit in JVM tutorial.
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