Getting started
License Vault is now part of JetBrains IDE Services Cloud – a developer experience suite that unlocks productivity at a scale of an organization.
A free trial of IDE Services Cloud is available to organizations with 50 or more active licenses for JetBrains IDEs and .NET tools. Follow these instructions to start your IDE Services trial.
To learn more about IDE Services, check out our website and the IDE Services documentation.
IDE Services is not yet available for educational institutions using free classroom licenses. As an alternative, we invite you to use the dedicated License Vault Classroom plan.
The instructions in this section are applicable if you're using a standalone instance of License Vault. If you're using License Vault as part of IDE Services Cloud, refer to the IDE Services documentation.
The moment you set up License Vault, a new team is added to your organization profile. Use it to access License Vault from your JetBrains Account at any time.
Log in to your JetBrains Account with organization administrator privileges.
In the menu on the left, click on your organization’s name.
Click Teams.
Click on the team named License Vault Cloud (ServerName), where ServerName is the name you specified when setting up your License Vault.
In the menu on the left, click License Vault.
This will take you to the License Vault settings page. It might look slightly different from the picture provided here, as the available settings vary depending on your usage plan.
To obtain licenses from License Vault, users need to log in through an authentication provider.
The default JetBrains Account auth module works out of the box. Skip this step if you configured it when setting up your License Vault and intend to use it as the only auth module.
If you want to configure a different auth module used in your organization, confirm that it is on the list of supported auth modules and consult Configuring a new authentication module for setup instructions.
You can configure more than one module. If you do so, users will be able to select their preferred authentication provider when logging in.
Your License Vault is now ready to issue licenses.
Copy the License Vault URL from the License Vault settings page and share it with your users. Refer them to User guide: Activating a license for instructions.
Activation via License Vault is supported in JetBrains products starting from version 2021.1.
An internet connection is required both to obtain a license from License Vault and to continue using it.
Users can work for up to 48 hours without an internet connection, as long as they don't restart the product. After 48 hours, they'll have to reconnect to the internet to continue using the product.
If they restart their product while disconnected, they'll immediately lose access to their license and won't be able to use the product until they reconnect to the internet.
If JetBrains products in your organization are configured to use a proxy to connect to the internet, make sure that the URLs listed in Connecting to License Vault via a proxy are reachable through it.
When your users start obtaining licenses, you may choose to set up rules to restrict or provide access to licenses for certain users or groups. Refer to Access rules for instructions.
To learn about the real-time usage data and aggregated statistics License Vault provides, check out License usage statistics.
After you've taken your License Vault for a quick test drive with the 10 free All Products Pack licenses provided with the trial, you might want to add your own licenses to see how the automatic distribution works on a larger scale.
To add licenses, simply transfer them to the License Vault team that was added to your organization profile when you first set up your License Vault. See Transferring licenses between teams for instructions.
Once you transfer the licenses to the License Vault team, they will appear in License Vault and become available to users.
The license pool will be automatically updated on the License Vault dashboard within a few moments of licenses being transferred. To see the transferred licenses immediately, click the Reload button.
Licenses that are directly assigned to users will be revoked from them when transferred to License Vault.
The affected users will need to activate their products again using the License Vault URL. Refer them to User guide: Activating a license for instructions.
To continue using License Vault after the trial period, you'll need to upgrade to a commercial plan of your choice. Refer to Choosing your plan and upgrading for guidance.
To upgrade to a commercial plan, you need to have at least 50 active licenses supported by License Vault. Other requirements may apply depending on the plan you selected. See License requirements to learn more.
If you're using License Server (on-premises), you can switch to License Vault in two simple steps.
Transfer your licenses from the License Server team to the License Vault team.
Consult Transferring licenses between teams for instructions.
Share the new License Vault URL and activation instructions with your users.
Still in doubt about whether you want to make the move to License Vault? Check out this page to learn about the benefits of License Vault compared to License Server.
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