Try License Vault, our new cloud solution for license management! Hosted by JetBrains, License Vault doesn't require installation and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Learn more
If the server where your FLS is running is outdated or doesn't have appropriate characteristics, you can move it to another physical server. Server ID remains the same, because it is stored in xml file. Since that, there is no need to register new FLS.
Install a new copy of License Server (FLS) to a new location.
Stop both previous and new FLS versions.
To move FLS software to another computer, move the following files:
Registration data from $HOME/.jb-license-server (or from another data directory, if you've changed it, see Configuring data directory).
Configuration data from ./conf directory which is located in the FLS installation directory.
Delete the FLS installation directory from the previous location.
To move FLS software to another computer, move the following files:
Registration data from %userprofile%\\.jb-license-server for user JetBrainsLS (or from another data directory, if you've changed it. See Configuring data directory) to the same location on a new computer.
Configuration data from %programData%\\JetBrains\LicenseService\conf to the same location on a new computer.
Make sure that service user JetBrainsLS has full access permissions on copied files on the target computer.