Reverse proxy

Last modified: 25 August 2023

If License Server (FLS) runs behind a reverse proxy, you need to set a proxy hostname to jetty.virtualHosts.names property. Otherwise, you will receive an error similar to the following and will not get access to the server.


Problem accessing /. Reason:
Passed value of header "Host" is not allowed. Please contact your server administrator.

Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.24.v20180605

If a host configured for FLS software doesn't match a host of a machine where the software is running, you also need to set this hostname to the property, which validates the value of the Host header in the requests. In this case, FLS will process the requests with the Host headers, which match the hostnames assigned to this property. If the Host header doesn't match any configured hostnames, you will get the same error.


  1. Change to the FLS installation directory using the command line.

  2. Stop FLS using the following command:

    ./bin/ stop
  3. Set the value of the jetty.virtualHosts.names option to the reverse proxy server host. If there are several hosts, specify them separating with a comma. For example, if its value is and, run the following command:

    ./bin/ configure \,


    The hostname must not contain any protocols like http or https.

  4. Start FLS using the following command:

    ./bin/ start