Configuring Menus and Toolbars #
You can customize menu and toolbar command lists to regroup features or make your favorites easier to access.
To customize menus and toolbars #
Open Settings/Preferences dialog, and click Menus and Toolbars. Alternatively, right-click the main toolbar, and choose from the context menu.
In the list of available menus and bars, expand the node you want to customize and select the desired item.
Customize the list of items in the selected menu or bar using the buttons on the right from the list.
- To add a new command, select the desired location in the list and click the Add After button. In the Choose Action To Add dialog that opens, select the desired action.
Optionally associate the action with an icon using the Icon Path field. Specify the location of the file with the icon you want to assign to the selected action. If necessary, click
to select the file in the corresponding dialog.
To change the icon associated with a command, select the desired command in the list and click the Edit Action Icon button. In the Choose Actions Icon Path dialog that opens, specify the location of the desired image. If necessary, use Browse
to select the image in the Select Path Dialog.
To delete an item from the list, select it and click the Remove button.
To have logical groups of commands separated from each other by a separator, select the desired location in the list and click the Add Separator button.
To change the order in which commands appear in the selected menu or on the selected bar, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
- To add a new command, select the desired location in the list and click the Add After button. In the Choose Action To Add dialog that opens, select the desired action.
To abandon the changes and return to the default settings, click the Restore Default button.